Aloe Vera.......Hair back in the days


Well-Known Member
Just sat here looking out the window and saw my neighbour with an aloe plant, it made me start thinking about back in the days when I was much younger. I grew up with my grandmom and could remember the times with it was hair wash day(every saturday), she would sit there cutting up the aloes very small and mixing it up with water, I use to think in my mind "what the hell is this lady thinking, putting all this yuky stuff in my poor hair":lachen:, after the shampooing she would then massage this slimy stuff in my hair, leave it on for a while then rinse out really well, after that she would use a conditioner, thank goodness she knew about conditioner, I don`t think I could have stand the combing out after the aloe treatment:hair:without the conditioner, the hair felt so stiff, but I have to admit that my hair was growing nicely until I started taking care of my own hair. But now am lerning a lot about hair care.
Have any off you ladies uses Aloe on your hair? It is tempting me to go try aloe on my hair again but with a few added ingredients:grin:, see what happens then.
Would love to hear some of the hair experiences you all had back in the days:yep: and do you all still use some of these hair care regiments.
AV gel and juice are staples for a lot of us here. i know there are a few who use the raw plant but i am not sure who they are. :drunk:
Gosh this brought back memories. I used to put it my hair when I was a kid as a conditioner- the raw plant. As long as I rinsed it out thoroughly it was fine- left my hair very shiney from what I can remember. Used to use it as a facial also.

Funnily enough my Dad was/is into alternative remedies and if we were ill he would always whip out the aloe vera plant and scrape up some some fresh raw aloe vera juice. We would gag on it but he would still insist we drink it up. It was torture drinking that stuff. If we were ill we would try and hide it as the treatment seemed worse than the actual illness
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Gosh this brought back memories. I used to put it my hair when I was a kid as a conditioner- the raw plant. As long as I rinsed it out thoroughly it was fine- left my hair very shiney from what I can remember. Used to use it as a facial also.

Funnily enough my Dad was/is into alternative remedies and if we were ill he would always whip out the aloe vera plant and scrape up some some fresh raw aloe vera juice. We would gag on it but he would still insist we drink it up. It was torture drinking that stuff. If we were ill we would try and hide it as the treatment seemed worse than the actual illness

Girl, the taste is really horrible, I tried it once and it just reached half way down, came right back up. I rather use it on the hair than to swallow it.
I have used food grade aloe vera on my hair and scalp daily since mid-January. In my three year hair journey, I have not done this before. I am always trying new products and ingredients because I just love doing that. AV is the best thing I have discovered for my hair/scalp and I will never stop using it. It contains lots of amino acids, b vitamins, muccopolysaccharides, sulfur, lactic acid, zinc and on and on -- all great things for ones hair and scalp. It is a keeper for me.
I have used food grade aloe vera on my hair and scalp daily since mid-January. In my three year hair journey, I have not done this before. I am always trying new products and ingredients because I just love doing that. AV is the best thing I have discovered for my hair/scalp and I will never stop using it. It contains lots of amino acids, b vitamins, muccopolysaccharides, sulfur, lactic acid, zinc and on and on -- all great things for ones hair and scalp. It is a keeper for me.

Do you mind saying how you use it, exactly?
This is how I use the food grade gel: In a six ounce applicator bottle, I pour in four ounces of gel, and then add at least an ounce of natural apple cider vinegar and the remainder of the bottle is wheat germ oil, a bit of tea tree oil and jojoba oil and MSM (and when I remember, I add a dropper full of Liquikelp). I apply this to my scalp nightly. It is not oily at all.

I make a moisture mist with aloe vera juice, rosewater, orange and grapefruit oils, tea tree and jojoba oils and then add whatever liquid leave-in I have on had. Currently it is RUSK blackberry and bergamot leave-in strengthener. I spray this on before I layer on my creamy leave-in after CO washes. I also add some AV gel to my conditioner for CO washes a couple nights a week and always to my weekly DC concoction.

AV has been the single best thing I have ever done for my hair and I just wish I had discovered it much sooner. They had some humongous AV plant leaves in Whole Foods like 20 inches or more long very plump, so I might buy one and use it straight from the source too.
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Thanks adw, I have both AV juice and gel on hand and was mostly using it internally (juice) and for skin irritations (gel). I was having some crazy itching going on after I had my kinky twists put in and I mixed some tea tree oil and lavender oil with the gel and used an applicator brush to slather onto my scalp. That concoction felt soooo good!

I'm gonna try and do more with it especially since it has zinc. Could I combine this (gel) with the mucilege from okra for growth?
This is how I use the food grade gel: In a six ounce applicator bottle, I pour in four ounces of gel, and then add at least an ounce of natural apple cider vinegar and the remainder of the bottle is wheat germ oil, a bit of tea tree oil and jojoba oil and MSM (and when I remember, I add a dropper full of Liquikelp). I apply this to my scalp nightly.

I make a moisture mist with aloe vera juice, rosewater, orange and grapefruit oils, tea tree and jojoba oils and then add whatever liquid leave-in I have on had. Currently it is RUSK blackberry and bergamot leave-in strengthener. I spray this on before I layer on my creamy leave-in after CO washes. I also add some AV gel to my conditioner for CO washes a couple nights a week and always to my weekly DC concoction.

AV has been the single best thing I have ever done for my hair and I just wish I had discovered it much sooner. They had some humongous AV plant leaves in Whole Foods like 14-16 inches long, so I might buy one and use it straight from the source too.

Where did you get the get and what brand is it?
Well, am off to get me an AV plant, may even decide to use the gel. Thanks a lot ladies for the wonderful infos.
I buy Trader Joe's aloe vera juice and Puritan's Pride or Swansons aloe vera gel. I also drink about six ounces a day (mixed with my acai, goji and noni juice), which surely doesn't hurt matters. My hair is just thriving this year and I do mean thriving...
That sure did bring back memories :yep:. My mom has a monstorous Aloe Vera Plant to this day. Used it for everything when I was younger especially burns.

I use Aloe Vera Juice everyday in my spritz. It's Aloe Vera Juice and Rose Water. My hair loves it :lick:
she would sit there cutting up the aloes very small and mixing it up with water,

I would like to try this. Would she strain and pour the water over your hair and rinse? I was using it straight from the plant.

My results: 1. turns gray hair black. 2. strengthens hair 3. prevents shedding

the problem: its a protein and my hair doesn't like protein to often.
I would like to try this. Would she strain and pour the water over your hair and rinse? I was using it straight from the plant.

My results: 1. turns gray hair black. 2. strengthens hair 3. prevents shedding

the problem: its a protein and my hair doesn't like protein to often.

First she strained it, then pured the water over my hair, massage it in well for a while then rinse out.

It really had my hair very healthy back then.
I bought an aloe vera plant from Home Depot, but it is puny, so I replanted it in a bigger pot, watered it and set it out on my deck so it can grow. A few stores down from HD is Whole Foods, so I went in there and bought an individual aloe stalk that is about 24 inches long and fat with aloe. They sell them for $2.49 each. Yesterday morning, I cut up about two inches of it into tiny pieces and infused with filtered water in my crock pot for three hours. My potpourri crock pot is only 16 ounces, so I added four ounces of my herbal tea and another 12 ounces of water and poured it over my head. I massaged it in well and let it stay in a couple hours. It did harden in my hair, but once I rinsed, I had the strongest hair, but it was also soft and detangled. I think I will do this once a week. By the time I use up the whole stalk, my plant will have grown hopefully. I love aloe vera!
anyone still use this??

I have aloe vera in a applicator bottle that I use to "oil" my scalp at night. it heals my scalp and I've noticed less shedding. :)
I have added Aloe Vera Gel (food grade) to my deep conditioner, and I have noticed shinier more manageable hair with less breakage.
anyone still use this??

I have aloe vera in a applicator bottle that I use to "oil" my scalp at night. it heals my scalp and I've noticed less shedding. :)

Lately I've been doing the same thing every day!

I use the Lily of The Desert brand food grade Aloe Vera Gel and pour it into an applicator bottle w/ a pointy tip for easy application on my scalp... I massage it in & it sooths my itchy scalp... I don't like to oil my scalp b/c it causes buildup and makes my scalp itch so I figure I would "water" my scalp daily instead ... I'm thinking about adding a few drops of peppermint & tea tree essential oils ... I've read that aloe can aid in hair growth amongst other wonderful things ... wouldn't that be great!:yep:
I used it when I had a protein overload.I wouldnt say it moisturized my hair much but my hair was sooooooo soft. I scraped the aloe vera plant and blended it with glycerin and some oils. I may try it again once I take my weave out.
My mom cut up some aloe and told me to put it in a spray bottle when I had breakage at the crown. It was stinky but it worked pretty well for me! my hair grew back at the crown!
Lately I've been doing the same thing every day!

I use the Lily of The Desert brand food grade Aloe Vera Gel and pour it into an applicator bottle w/ a pointy tip for easy application on my scalp... I massage it in & it sooths my itchy scalp... I don't like to oil my scalp b/c it causes buildup and makes my scalp itch so I figure I would "water" my scalp daily instead ... I'm thinking about adding a few drops of peppermint & tea tree essential oils ... I've read that aloe can aid in hair growth amongst other wonderful things ... wouldn't that be great!:yep:


I've been "oiling" my scalp with the aloe vera gel for a few days but I started to notice flakes on my scalp!! I think it may be the thickening agent used in the gel.

Has anyone else noticed this form use of the gel on the scalp?

I'm using the food grade aloe vera gel so i did not expect flakes from it. :perplexed . Maybe I need to use this as a pre-poo instead ...
Lately I've been doing the same thing every day!

I use the Lily of The Desert brand food grade Aloe Vera Gel and pour it into an applicator bottle w/ a pointy tip for easy application on my scalp... I massage it in & it sooths my itchy scalp... I don't like to oil my scalp b/c it causes buildup and makes my scalp itch so I figure I would "water" my scalp daily instead ... I'm thinking about adding a few drops of peppermint & tea tree essential oils ... I've read that aloe can aid in hair growth amongst other wonderful things ... wouldn't that be great!:yep:

That's so cool. I just bought some yesterday. Do you refrigerate yours?
I have the same issue with my scalp so this is a great idea. I just use Amla on my hair and ends and just use rosemary and/or peppermint oil (massage on scalp with a light oil such as vitamin E) the day before I wash and/or condition. It's great because I get that tingly feeling when I wash/rinse. :yep: