Aloe Vera Gel vs. Aloe Juice


New Member
What is the difference between these two products? Can they be used as a moisturizing leave-in? Also, I tried to make shealoe butter with my shea butter and aloe very juice and it did not work well. Does anyone have any tips about this? I read all the threads about aloe but I still have these questions. Thanks in advance.
im not super knowlegable, but the one difference that i know of is that aloe very juice is edible....i actually wasnt even aware that you could put this in your hair! my grandma drinks it because apparently its good for you....

maybe someone else knows more, cuz now you got me wondering! :D
I make my shealoe butter with aloe vera gel. The juice would be too runny. I'd love to add the juice to my leave-in spray but I can't bring myself to spray something that expensive on my hair when it would be much more beneficial inside of my body, :giggle: That's just me though.

I don't think there's much of a difference between the two though--other than that the juice is more concentrated aloe vera (because its straight milk from the plant) while the gel has additives that turn the juice into a gel (so its not edible). They both have their uses.
good question... I mix the juice in my braid spray and I use the gel on my edges

Matter of fact both of them are on my shopping list for this evening BUT the only thing I can think of are the consistencies.... one is juice the other is gel... sorry I couldn't be more help
Melted shea butter blends well with aloe vera gel, you can add a little oil (castor, coconut, sunflower, etc.). Blend with a handmixer and it will solidify into a soft creamy blend for skin or hair.

Aloe vera juice blends well with creamy leave-in conditioners like Cantu shea butter, Kinky Curly Knot Today, Giovanni.