Aloe Vera Gel is Protein ?!


New Member
Ok, so some of you are like yeah, dummy, duh!:lachen:but I just realized this.
I was using half a cap of lottabody in my caruso bowl of water to set my hair. I stopped because it cause too much water to come of the steamer. So today I added aloe vera to each section before rolling and it came out with a nice, natural hold. I did some research on this board and the net and found that aloe has a high content of collagen along with [SIZE=-1]calcium; magnesium; zinc; vitamins A, C, and E; vitamin B-complex; and essential fatty acids. [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]This sounds like a wonderful product for the hair. I use ORS carrot oil for additional protein on the colored section of my hair but now I'm thinking of using this. Do any of you use aloe vera for the protein? Would you recommend using it everyday or how often, thanks.[/SIZE]
Girl, thanks for answering. I was starting to feel like a red headed stepchild up in here :lachen:I didn't know it was protein either, one of those things that's obvious, except to me. I think I am going to use it on my colored ends and see what happens.
I read on previous threads that some who used it as a gel got hard hair. But I've heard other people use it all the time and love it. I have to try this and see what happens
I used to use pure aloe vera gel all the time in place of hair gel. I liked it ok. I didn't know it was a protein though. I've heard raves from people that add glycerin to theirs. This would probably keep the hair from getting so hard and be more moisturizing.