Aloe Vera Gel as a moisturizer...........


New Member
Hey folks, I have been using fruit of the earth aloe vera gel and water as a moisturizer for the first time for the past few days and putting my hair in a bun and my hair is LOVING it. Does anyone use aloe vera gel in their hair regularly? Any long term negative results?
I just got some aloe vera gel today and I've slicked some on my hair, it really feels soft, smooth and shiny, I think I may use this everyday, I'll probably mix it with some jojoba oil. I'm not sure if thats a good thing though, I'll give it a try.
I use it as actual gel to slick my hair back sometimes when I want it back but not real real slick. it hasn't given me too many problems except that I get buildup on my scalp around the edges where I use it.
Yes, jaibee. I use that same gel. It's great because it seems to straighten as it slicks and totally controls my new growth completely! I chose this gel after I could no longer find one I purchased once called nature's earthe. this one was the best moisturizing aloe vera gel i've ever come across, and it was 100%! i couldn't remember where i'd purchased it and never saw it again. I even tried to contact the manufacturer in cali and was told it didn't exist. anyway, i also like tresemme's moisturizing gel. it's not aloe vera, but very moisturizing!
i bought something by palmers called "palmers aloe vera formula conditioning hair and scalp treatment" it's like a jar of aloe vera gel enhanced with vitamin e. it works well, and i guess it would work well for someone who wanted a little oil included...
I have been using this gel since last summer and really love it alot. I apply it to my damp hair over my leave in conditioner. It tends to straighted out my hair after wearing my hair up in a bun. Maybe all gels do this I dont know.

It's never drying.

I also use it in a mix of shea butter and someother things for a nice thick leave in. I recently tried experimenting with this this and like it alot.
Yep, I read that Aloe Vera is a great hair and scalp nourisher. Check this out:

Aloe Vera
Nourishes the hair and scalp by moisturizing them. In addition, its anti-biotic properties keep the scalp healthy and free of bacteria and fungus which can lead to scalp and hair problems.
It also contains many of the products that seem to be effective in fighting hair loss. Like biotin, b-vitamins, zinc and even inositil. In addition the moisturizing qualities when applied to the scalp increase the blood circulation to the hair follicle.

<ul type="square">Nourishes and moisturizes the hair and scalp.
Keeps scalp healthy thanks to its anti-biotic properties.
Promotes hair growth due to the many hair friendly vitamins it contains.
Increases blood circulation to the hair follicles[/list]

[/ QUOTE ]

[Source: A Website on the Causes of Hair Loss ]
Dang that's more money I'm going to spend.