Almost the hair I always wanted! (pics)

Was that a puff or a ponytail in your curly picture? It falls real nicely in any case. Congrats on your progress and the shirt's a nice touch. I can never get mine to be that straight.

It wasn't in a pony or puff. It was pulled up in the top with 2 large wrap pins. And the straight hair was done by a stylist with a n FHI Runway.
Your hair is beautiful! I've recently decided to go natural (again) and your hair pics are a great motivator.
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Great job! Congrats your hair is very pretty. :yep: How much heat damage did you previously have and how did you combat it?
Basically the stylist used a pressing comb around my edges and the very front (bangs area) of my head. The entire section was completely straight and would not revert. It was chemical relaxer straight. This was about 10 months into my transition and there was nothing I could do except treat the heat damaged hair like it was relaxed with chemicals and I've been "transitioning" out the heat damaged hair. All the protein treatments in the world didn't work for me :( My bangs were chin length. I measured today and it's grown out about 5.5 inches over the last 14 months in the front. My front grows slower than the back.

Looking good Famu!! I love my new steamer BTW.
GREAT!:grin: I'm so glad it worked out for you! You'll love how your curls will look over time.

Fam, you and your hair are gorgeous! You have the same smile as Janet Jackson! :D
Thanks! I've never heard that before, but I'll take that as a compliment :)

your hair is gorgeous and healthy. Look like 3c to me :yep:

Really? See, thats why the typing confuses the heck outta me. My hair is coils and springs all over; some are a tighter coil than others, mostly tighter in the very top of my hair. But the longer it gets the more they start to hang. I'm guessing that hydration helps with the hang too. I've just always thought I was a 4+ all over. Thanks for the assessment. I'll get better at taking pics from the back side, etc.

Your hair is very pretty.
It looks like your hair grew 1 inch from Nov to Dec.
Yes, the inch really did surprise the heck outta me, but I'm happy any way. I'm hoping I can get another 1/2 inch before I go back to the salon next month. It may be time for a trim and that would mean the 1/2 inch would be gone.
December 09- Curly (first time out with no scarf :)
Your hair is beautiful in its natural state!!!! :yep: And you have a beautiful white smile and I like your jacket too!
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Thanks FAMUDva! The same thing happened to me! I've been doing everything I can not to have to do a big chop... again.

I just can't get over your curls!!
Thanks FAMUDva! The same thing happened to me! I've been doing everything I can not to have to do a big chop... again.

I just can't get over your curls!!

Girl patience is definitely a virtue that my hair is helping me to work on :look:... because I was so done when it first happened. I was 10 months in to the transition and didn't want to BC or feel like I was starting over with transitioning. But in the end I essentially started over transitioning (in the front). Not that big of a deal except I couldn't wear styles with my hair down unless I twisted or flexi rod set it.

The moral to my story was to NEVER EVER allow someone to use a straightening comb or marcel irons on my hair. I revert 100% with a ceramic iron...
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