Almost natural and shedding like crazy!


New Member
Hey ladies, my hair is shedding like nobody's business! Ive been relaxer free since july 2006 when i found out i was pregnant and since then doing mini chops every 3-4 months. Currently i have 2 inches of relaxed hair left, not sure if that has anything to do with my shedding but who knows.

So whats are typical causes for shedding and how can I stop/ prevent it?
Are you stressed? Did you experience a major life change? Sometimes the effects of a stressful event don't show up until after the event. Are you drinking enough water? What about your diet? The other members will chime in with moisture questions. Until they do, have you changed anything? Also, I learned today that I need to stop putting conditioner on my scalp when I wash. I had an issue with shedding, too.
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