Almost 4 month progress pic...


Well-Known Member
Hey all, just wanted to post a quick update. Pics are from Feb 10, 2012 to yesterday June 2, 2012. I think i see a bit of growth Hoping to make it to bsl by the end of the year. My regimine is a simple one, just dc once a week, wash maybe 2-3 times a week. I'm texlaxed and dont really stretch my relaxers, 8-12 weeks. Sorry about the crappy 2nd camera phone pic :ohwell:


I've always loved looking at your progress pictures. Lovely. :)
Theresamonet said:
FlawedBeauty What haircolor do you use? It's lovely.

Thanks! There's no color in it now. That's pretty much my natural color, lightened up by the sun. I try to go dark to a medium brown but my hair does not hold color at all, its gone within a few weeks :( everyone always tells me they love the color of my hair but I can't stand it lol. I guess its the always want what you don't have syndrome lol.