Alma Powder


Active Member
Looking through my cabinets in my "just use it up mode" I found some Alma powder that I apparently purchased some years ago. I have no idea why I purchased it or at this point what to do with it. Any suggestions on what to do with it? And what benefits it offers?

I know and have read the threads on Alma Oil, but I have the powder and really don't plan on making alma oil out of powder.

If you henna you can mix it with the henna. Or you can make a "tea" for your hair with it. I have the tea bags from whole foods, I put 2 teaspoons in there, let it sit in hot water for about 20 minutes, then use pour it over my hair after I shampoo, I let it sit for about 5 minutes, rinse then condition. My hair feels very strong after. It is even better with shikakai.

1. Mix with henna to tone down red, if you henna
2. Mix a few tablespoons in condish, let set 10 minutes then apply to hair.
--I use for CW on dry hair, leave on at least 30 minutes, rinse and proceed to leave-ins
--Use after pooing for either deep condish or normal rinse out.

Personally, love to use in ALL my condish to thicken up and to slightly acidify.
MissVee, I would LOVE to henna but my lifestyle doesn't give me the time to do this properly. I just simply don't have the time or energy to do all the research and then the clean up . . . oh the clean up :eek:

Neroli, I like the idea of mixing it with conditioner and using it as a pre-poo or after poo. Thanks. :)
MissVee, I would LOVE to henna but my lifestyle doesn't give me the time to do this properly. I just simply don't have the time or energy to do all the research and then the clean up . . . oh the clean up :eek:

Neroli, I like the idea of mixing it with conditioner and using it as a pre-poo or after poo. Thanks. :)

Too bad... really isn't that bad, not for me anyway.

hot water

I mix till it is a pancake batter. Let the dye release and then add oil, I live avocado. If it is a brand of henna I have never used then I do a strand test. I would mix the henna 2 days before I wanted to do my hair. If I have used the henna before then I get my dye/tint brush and apply to the roots. Once my roots are done I just take the henna with my gloved hands and apply to the ends. Leave on for no more than 2 hours. Rinse and rinse and rinse... I use a cheap conditioner then shampoo then deep condition. Sounds like a lot but I only do it once every 4 - 6 weeks.

Once you are used to it the mess is minimal.

Too bad... really isn't that bad, not for me anyway.

hot water

I mix till it is a pancake batter. Let the dye release and then add oil, I live avocado. If it is a brand of henna I have never used then I do a strand test. I would mix the henna 2 days before I wanted to do my hair. If I have used the henna before then I get my dye/tint brush and apply to the roots. Once my roots are done I just take the henna with my gloved hands and apply to the ends. Leave on for no more than 2 hours. Rinse and rinse and rinse... I use a cheap conditioner then shampoo then deep condition. Sounds like a lot but I only do it once every 4 - 6 weeks.

Once you are used to it the mess is minimal.


Actually, I am trying to syke myself up to do this. Thanks for the recipe, I will probably actually try this once I explain to my hubby that he has to keep himself and the kids occupied so that I can have some ME time. Anyway, do you have any measurements on the above recipe.

P.S. I see that you LOVE henna in your siggie. I'm going to click the link and see where that takes me.