allergic to weaves?


New Member
I had to give my fall a rest today. I think I might be allergic. All day yesterday it was making the part where the combs are itch, and by the time I got home I snatched the thing off and flung it across the room.

I'm so upset, because I really liked the idea of a fall as a protective style

Has anyone else experienced this, like irritation where the hair touches your neck?

Is this thing brand specific? Onlyh appens with synthetic hair? Is there something I can soak it in to make it stop?

Needless to say, I'm a little bummed out right now..I was loving it:lol:
Is there something I can do to get rid of it? Soak it in something?

Should i switch to human hair falls? I really don't want to give the fall up, but I don't want the skin on my ears or neck to fall off as a result. If there is absolutely NO treatment, then I'll have to say bye to the fall, I guess
The combs (especially the one in front) do cause some minor itchies for me, but I haven't experienced irritation from the hair itself. The only fall I've worn for long periods is a human hair one.

I've read that you can soak synthetic hair in a mixture of vinegar and water to remove the "fake hair shine" from the treatment process...maybe that would reduct the irritation for you?
My goodness, I'm going to have to try that then..It's sad that I want to hold on to this fall so hair, and the fall are the same length:lol:

I'll try that though...If I soak it though, will it retain it's shape?

Maybe I need to not be cheap and get a human hair one.
It might just be the brand of hair. I had that problem the first time I got tracks in my hair for junior prom. My face got itchy, red and irritated like on my cheeks after a few days. I took that mess out and I never had the problem again. I think it was just that particular brand of hair.
I had HORRIBLE allergic reaction to some braid hair once. I really believe it was the dye they used to color the hair. First I noticed my neck was itchy but I didn't think anything of it. Then one day I washed my hair with the braids in and within in minutes I broke out in a rash because the chemicals had run down my back. I still have some dark marks on my back from this incident. It was absolutely horrible and these were human hair braids but the hair had been treated so I agree that it's the chemical treatment to the hair that you're probably allergic to.
InNeedofHairapy said:
My goodness, I'm going to have to try that then..It's sad that I want to hold on to this fall so hair, and the fall are the same length:lol:

I'll try that though...If I soak it though, will it retain it's shape?

Maybe I need to not be cheap and get a human hair one.

A synthetic fall should be fine is you soak it. I've done it with one of my synthetic falls and it didn't damage it at all.