Allergic to relaxers and texturizers


New Member
Okay first let me say I really do know better but I think I was in denial.

I now know that I am allergic to both relaxers and texturizers. When I decided to relax after transitioning for almost a year I noticed that I had a lot of little red bumps around my neck but I thought it was just the products she was using on my hair. When I got a texturizer before (once at a dominican salon and once at home) there were no bumps so I wasn't convinced until I put a texturizer in on Sunday and the rash is so bad this time that I can't even wear my hair up. :nono:

Since I have had my daughter my skin has become super sensitive. So I guess this means I am transitioning by force unless anyone has any other advice for me.
I don't have any advice for you ... just wanted to let you know that I totally feel your pain. My scalp can't tolerate relaxers of any kind anymore; it's the initial reason why I decided to transition. Now that I have been relaxer free for 16 months, my scalp won't tolerate any mess from me anymore. Even some conditioners are too strong.
Oh my goodness...what are you putting on it? aloe vera or cortizone cream? I hope it gets better soon.

{I do think that these chemicals can be too strong for some people's scalps (like mine, my scalp is ultra sensitive) and we dont learn lol we just keep trying to use them anyway, dont we. I could not scratch for four days, base my scalp so well and then still get burns from relaxing even if I relax with the sensitive stuff too. That's why texlaxing was a better option, the shorter I kept it on, the better and I got way less burns. So I have decided to take a long break from those chemicals, I can not say 100% sure but Im close to 100% sure lol I will not return to relaxers. I've wanted to go natural many times before but could never do it successfully and ended up returning to relaxing, but this time Im ready thanks 2 lhcf and Im positive my transition will be a success.}

If you are really allergic which it looks that way, idk what you could do to continue with the chemicals without the allergic reaction happening. If you do need to go ahead and transition because it's for the best health-wise, you can always use heat to straighten. There are other straightening methods I've heard about too. Plus you just might enjoy transitioning to natural.

Best Wishes!
This happen to me recently and thats why I cut it all off. My scalp feels better, but I still have some minor irriation from a touch up 4-5 weeks ago. I need to buy some tea tree oil and I'm going to purchase some Dr. Miracles or DOO gro to help heal the scalp.
Thanks for the support ladies.

Oh my goodness...what are you putting on it? aloe vera or cortizone cream? I hope it gets better soon.

I am using DermaSmooth that I got from my Dermatologist when I had a previous breakout on my arms and legs. It's an oil and i love it.

The funny thing is my scalp is just fine. It's just my neck that is tore up to the high heavens. :wallbash:
I wanted to suggest Phytoreaxer since it has different ingredients, but honestly the best thing for you to do may be to just not relax at all.