Allergic Reactions to Fake Hair?


New Member
Hey Ladies,

I'm not sure if this is just me and my sensitive skin & scalp but I have allergic breakouts from weaves & all fake hair (no matter how expensive or cheap the hair is). I bought a lace front $300 down the drain, also the new lace system weave $60.00 down the drain.

It irritates my scalp and skin so bad I get the allergic breakout bumps, the prickly scalp & it turns red, the scalp is on fire feeling and scratching so bad I'm tearing my scalp and it has bled in one spot.

Are there others like me? I get so furious because I can't have the cute weave options like my twin or other ladies and sometimes I want the weaves especially when I'm frustrated with my own hair and want to take a break from it. BTW - I'm TRANSITIONING. It's been 3 months so far and I plan to transition until Oct 2010. I love the new growth but I already know for a fact 6 months when I just relaxer stretching became a challenge. That's a whole different topic.

I need some good styling options. How have others coped with allergic reactions to weave hair? I probably should go see a dermatologist which i do plan to. Just so frustrated:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:
Hey Ladies,

I'm not sure if this is just me and my sensitive skin & scalp but I have allergic breakouts from weaves & all fake hair (no matter how expensive or cheap the hair is). I bought a lace front $300 down the drain, also the new lace system weave $60.00 down the drain.

It irritates my scalp and skin so bad I get the allergic breakout bumps, the prickly scalp & it turns red, the scalp is on fire feeling and scratching so bad I'm tearing my scalp and it has bled in one spot.

Are there others like me? I get so furious because I can't have the cute weave options like my twin or other ladies and sometimes I want the weaves especially when I'm frustrated with my own hair and want to take a break from it. BTW - I'm TRANSITIONING. It's been 3 months so far and I plan to transition until Oct 2010. I love the new growth but I already know for a fact 6 months when I just relaxer stretching became a challenge. That's a whole different topic.

I need some good styling options. How have others coped with allergic reactions to weave hair? I probably should go see a dermatologist which i do plan to. Just so frustrated:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

Neala21, synthetic hair must be soaked in a mild vinegar/water rinse to remove the alkaline's what is breaking you out. Check the CROWN and Glory web site for more info.
Neala21, synthetic hair must be soaked in a mild vinegar/water rinse to remove the alkaline's what is breaking you out. Check the CROWN and Glory web site for more info.

I've done that. That makes things worse. This even happens with human hair because I rarely use synthetic hair. I usually get remy but I've but about every brand of human hair, tried various weave methods - individual braids, cornrows, lace fronts, weave, net weaves....I can't keep them in longer than a week due to the allergic reaction and my money is a complete waste.

I feel like Im just one of those ladies who wasn't made to have addtl hair added on my head - Its like God said "if it's not your own hair you can't wear it." LOL!!
I am allergic... I break out also I hate the smell makes me nauseated.
I hate weaves... half wigs are ok though... I don't know why maybe because
I can take them off... I don't know.
I do and didn't know what it was for a long time. A shampoo works for some hair, but some hair I just have to give up.
One of my friends is terribly allergic to weave hair so you are not alone. Anyway, I transitioned over 2 years by roller setting (straightens the roots) and doing twist outs (curls up the relaxed sections). I also wore my hair in a bun quite a bit. I have never worn a weave or wig.
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I will sometimes get a rash on my neck when I use the hair for the kinky twist. I usually use hydrocortizone cream and it helps.
I am allergic. No matter how many times I wash it before I use it, I always get irritation. I can't do any type of hair. The closest thing I can do is a clip on ponytail.
Me tooo!!!! If I do a wig or what ever I have to wear a protective cap and I can't be in the thing all day.
GIRL!!!!!! I wore a wig to work one time and thought I was soooo cute! By 10am I started itching something terrible! I was in my office so I kept pushing the wig back farther and farther on my head! A colleague came in and I forgot that I had the wig oushed back...she just started laughing and then she got serious...cause all around my hair line was bright red. By 11:30...I had to come home because it was itching so bad. I took the wig off and hopped in the shower...when the water hit my scalp it felt like FIRE!!!!!!!!!! NEVER AGAIN! I am transitioning I really wish I could but can;t afford another episode like that!
I have noticed that too, with wigs human or synthetic my hair line starts getting sore and itching like crazy, I haven't done any extensions yet, I want to but I really don't want to shell out the money and then start itching like crazy and have to take the hair down. So I guess I just will grow the natural way.LOL!!
I am, my scalp broke out in little bumps and they started oozing(sorry i know its nasty). I had to take antibiotics, never again. It was human hair.
Hey Ladies,

I'm not sure if this is just me and my sensitive skin & scalp but I have allergic breakouts from weaves & all fake hair (no matter how expensive or cheap the hair is). I bought a lace front $300 down the drain, also the new lace system weave $60.00 down the drain.

It irritates my scalp and skin so bad I get the allergic breakout bumps, the prickly scalp & it turns red, the scalp is on fire feeling and scratching so bad I'm tearing my scalp and it has bled in one spot.

Are there others like me? I get so furious because I can't have the cute weave options like my twin or other ladies and sometimes I want the weaves especially when I'm frustrated with my own hair and want to take a break from it. BTW - I'm TRANSITIONING. It's been 3 months so far and I plan to transition until Oct 2010. I love the new growth but I already know for a fact 6 months when I just relaxer stretching became a challenge. That's a whole different topic.

I need some good styling options. How have others coped with allergic reactions to weave hair? I probably should go see a dermatologist which i do plan to. Just so frustrated:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

The same thing happened to my niece. She's allergic to kanekalon hair.
Oh wow, I got the neck rash too! I never thought it was based on weave. I do notice that I would get a TON of dandruff whenever I wear weave. I get dandruff anyway, but it's substantially more when I'm in a weave.
Dang, I just wasted $140, over the same darn thing. I posted on Wed. It's just not for us. Believe me, I won't fight it again.

usually not, but i have in kinky twists right now and everytime one touches my skin it irritates me. maybe i'll be fine if i pin it up because i spent @100 on these plus another 20 for the hair.
just checking in. I'm allergic too. From the time it hits my head, I get to itching, face breaks out and everything. It's the same with human hair too. Basically if it didn't grow out of my scalp, I'm likely allergic.
usually not, but i have in kinky twists right now and everytime one touches my skin it irritates me. maybe i'll be fine if i pin it up because i spent @100 on these plus another 20 for the hair.

So, I big chopped in July this year and I love my natural. I've been missing it. Anyways i want to get sengalese twists around Oct/Nov but I'm always so hopeful:yep: that I won't get any irritations. :wallbash: I'm so thinking about taking a risk and get them anyways...

just checking in. I'm allergic too. From the time it hits my head, I get to itching, face breaks out and everything. It's the same with human hair too. Basically if it didn't grow out of my scalp, I'm likely allergic.

Definitely agree with the bolded. I'm glad I'm not alone because I sometimes feel left out I can't do certain styles until my hair reaches that length. I can't even use any type of dyes - Allergic to them. Oh well. Guess it back to growing...:rolleyes:

Now that's got me wondering about when I had relaxers how irritated my scalp would be but thats likely due to a scalp that needs to heal. I just got a Lace front wig (don't worry ya'll it was cheap and my twin got it for me as gift)... Really cute but I can only wear it for maybe 2 hrs sometimes only 30 minutes...smh LOL
Dang, I just wasted $140, over the same darn thing. I posted on Wed. It's just not for us. Believe me, I won't fight it again.


Don't feel too bad...I still do it but not very often. It's a Hope-factor. TWA phase for me gets a lil awkward so I sometimes want that option but its not available unless I want to pay the high cost in irritation & Fire feeling.

I hate when I be looking good in the weave only to wear it for barely a week and had to take it all out because it didn't agree with my scalp and skin.