Allandra, Thanks Again For Such A Great Idea!


With Love & Silk

Allandra makes a "to try" list of products that she would like to try. (instead of being an impulsive PJ like me) --I have found that during this PJ challenge, it has been very helpful just to add things to my "to try" list. Adding the item to my list is actually fulfilling my urge and reducing my "need" to go and get it. It has helped me to control my impulsiveness and what not.

You guys should try it!
<font color="purple"> Excellent idea that I have been doing for years.
I have a small notebook that I keep in my purse, so that whenever I just happen to find myself in a beauty supply store, I can pull out my list, and choose from it. I also add notes from what I've read or heard about the product, to assist me in determining what I will purchase. I use this notebook (which is VERY small and covenient) to take notes when I am reading a magazine or reading this wonderul board!

Wonderful tip, Allandra, and how nice of you to express it, Supergirl!
Aww, Supergirl you're welcome.

I'm so glad it's working for you. BTW, how's the July challenge coming along for you?

So far so good on the challenge and I give myself a HUGE pat on the back b/c I've been tempted several times already!
Well, continue on sista girl. You ONLY have until August 1.
It'll be here in no time.
I know you can do it!
how do I join the PJ challenge? My boyfriend swears that I spend my life savings on products that I never use.