Allakhazam Allakhazoom LOOK OUT NOW...RootDeep is in the room!! :)

rootdeep said:
The mixing of the two dried my skin out really bad to the point where I was terrified and had to go to the dermatologist. He warned me about mixing those two herbal supplements together because they are both a high dosage. My results havent changed from the switch its jut best for my overall health.

Aw, I see! I had to stop taking Silca because it dried out my skin and my heart started to skip, and I'm very weary of what I put into my body and had been testing out each one of my vitmans over the past couple of months, so I knew it had to be silica, once i stopped taking it of course my heartbeats went back to normal.
rootdeep said:
The mixing of the two dried my skin out really bad to the point where I was terrified and had to go to the dermatologist. He warned me about mixing those two herbal supplements together because they are both a high dosage. My results havent changed from the switch its jut best for my overall health.

OOOOh okay! I see. Thank you, that is something I need to consider.
LocksOfLuV said:
OOOOh okay! I see. Thank you, that is something I need to consider.

ya, you need to girl because if my memory severs me right you were saying how your skin had gotten so dry you went to the docters to check on it? Even after you had uses coco and all kind of lotions?
Yeah. Thats another thing. Biotin and Horsetail together increasd my BP. The danger of all these supplements is being careful of that effects that it will cause on your body.

Biotin and Horsetail seperate from each other work fine but together for ME is too much.

Hidden_Angel said:
Aw, I see! I had to stop taking Silca because it dried out my skin and my heart started to skip, and I'm very weary of what I put into my body and had been testing out each one of my vitmans over the past couple of months, so I knew it had to be silica, once i stopped taking it of course my heartbeats went back to normal.
Your hair looks great!!! Keep up the good work, and thanks for sharing your regimen!!
Yes, you said it right! Your hair is on the move. It is absolutely gorgeous. There is nothing like a healthy head of hair. That is the long and the short of it:D
rootdeep said:
Yeah. Thats another thing. Biotin and Horsetail together increasd my BP. The danger of all these supplements is being careful of that effects that it will cause on your body.

Biotin and Horsetail seperate from each other work fine but together for ME is too much.

I know it sucks, but on well rather my saftey then my hair... but girl you have they "shiney, good hairrr" :lachen: very pretty I love it
Hidden_Angel said:
ya, you need to girl because if my memory severs me right you were saying how your skin had gotten so dry you went to the docters to check on it? Even after you had uses coco and all kind of lotions?

My skin is dry as shyt, but I never went to the doctor for it. I am just going to stop taking silica period, since I haven't noticed a change. Plus I want to start taking other vitamins (CLA) So I think I will stick with Biotin, msm, a multi, and B-150 complex.

RD, he blood pressure thing scared me a lot. High BP runs in my family. Very scary, def. not going to stock on the silica.
LocksOfLuV said:
My skin is dry as shyt, but I never went to the doctor for it. I am just going to stop taking silica period, since I haven't noticed a change. Plus I want to start taking other vitamins (CLA) So I think I will stick with Biotin, msm, a multi, and B-150 complex.

RD, he blood pressure thing scared me a lot. High BP runs in my family. Very scary, def. not going to stock on the silica.

In my family also. Thats why the past 8 months that i been here I had tested all my vitmans up until Jaunary then I stuck to a couple vitmans and thats it. Ya you can get liquid Silica at the food store and possiabley use it on your new growth instead but i won't recommened taking it internally anymore.. I kinnda want see you reach waist length in one peice? ya know :lachen: you know i luv you girl and aint trying see you look like dried up old prune eaither
I know thats right. At least I'll have some hair on my head and ALIVE than dying with hair to my butt. LOL :)

Thank you :D LOL @ good are crazy! :lol:

Hidden_Angel said:
I know it sucks, but on well rather my saftey then my hair... but girl you have they "shiney, good hairrr" :lachen: very pretty I love it
LocksOfLuV said:
My skin is dry as shyt, but I never went to the doctor for it. I am just going to stop taking silica period, since I haven't noticed a change. Plus I want to start taking other vitamins (CLA) So I think I will stick with Biotin, msm, a multi, and B-150 complex.

RD, he blood pressure thing scared me a lot. High BP runs in my family. Very scary, def. not going to stock on the silica.

Yeah. My father died in December because of Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, etc. etc. I am working on my own health and I dont need anything stopping that progress.

If you dont want to go to the dermatologist just change your intake and didnt I tell you a LONG time ago about the Shea Butter Balm? Get it!!! You'll love it and your skin will thank you for it!!
Your hair is beautiful rootdeep! You've made excellent progress. Keep up the great work and keep doing what you're doing because it's definitely working. HHG!
:eek: Your hair is looking GOOD! You've made some great progress. Hmmm...I am seriously thinking about trying biotin now.
RD, looking good girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your hair is hella thick and shiny, and you seem to have regained the length you trimmed off. Way to go!!! Heading off to check out ure album now! :D
Givin you much love, sista, that hair is sooo much healthier lookin ! It's color is strong, it shines, its thick, keep it goin !

Great job!!! You have done phenomenal with your regime. It is so nice when you see the hard work pay off.
Thanks ladies!! I am so pleased and I'm learning what products/vitamins work well for me and its exciting.

As for the shine....I think it has a world to do with my water intake as well as my conditioner (Design Essentials!!). I drink water like I LIVE in water. My friends know that I have to have a BIG bottle of water with me wherever I go. Even CHURCH! LOL!!! You'll notice me quickly because I'm the lady up in the choir taking out my 32 ounce bottle of Fiji Water while the Pastor is tunning up! LOL!! :lachen: :lachen:

My color....I dont know what to say about my color. My father had very dark hair and it passed on down to me. My mom guarantees me I didnt get my hair color from her. She's been dying her hair since 17 and I've never had a dye or rinse in my hair EVER.

I have a long way to go but I'm glad to know that a change is recognized! :)