All that for this!!!

Okay, now these are pics of the final press, right? Your hair looks beautiful, and btw, what you talkin' 'bout Willis? Talking 'bout you can do better. It's just perfect--great job!:clap:
hopeful said:
Okay, now these are pics of the final press, right? Your hair looks beautiful, and btw, what you talkin' 'bout Willis? Talking 'bout you can do better. It's just perfect--great job!:clap:

LOL you missed an album girl. this is the after math of the final press. Here is the final press!!!/
I feel your pain. I finally found some mesh rollers, spent a hour and a half under the dryer for a roller set and I'm wearing it pinned up with a claw clip because the humidity is murder. :ohwell:

Yours still looks nice though.
yeah girl, takes notes to always check the level of moisture in the air now first!!!! LOL

hours and hours of work for that...i could of worn it natural LOL

nah I needed a good trim anyway and wanted to get my final update done, plus i wanted to do an instructional type press album (been wanting to for a while now) so all in all, although my hair didnt turn out exactly how I wanted or last....and my final update didnt go exactly how I hoped (I put big pressure on myself for to be just how i wanted) I'm just glad to be done now.

and so now, I dont care not one bit about it being up after all that LOL

I wont be doing it again either(untill trim time), I'm cool with my buns, really! LOL

simplycee said:
I feel your pain. I finally found some mesh rollers, spent a hour and a half under the dryer for a roller set and I'm wearing it pinned up with a claw clip because the humidity is murder. :ohwell:

Yours still looks nice though.
Thank you girl

and thank you to all you ladies. It was a rough ride gettin the final update press done. all in all I am just really relieved its over and for the most part anyway I did accomplish alll that I set out to accomplish

I have been pressing a while now. and know my hair, and know about humidity and what it does all to well. This was no surprise to me, really. I just didnt know it was that humid out when I did the dang press *dumb me*

I think I was just more disapointed cause it was my final update and my first press in a long long time, just hoped to get more out of all that work I did

But I'm over it now!! LOLOL

Mestiza said:
I love the way that you're wearing your hair in a ponytail. Your hair looks great, as usual! ;-D