All right ladies... Hair nightmares. We all have them. NOW SPILL!


Well-Known Member
I almost woke up screaming. I dreamed I took out my braids/sew in and my hair was only 1 inch long:burning:. I was crying because I lost soooooooo much and the worst part is, I had a date that same day. The weird part is, I woke up in my dream to find that it was just a nightmare... I still had my hair in. I finally reached APL and my hair was gorgeous. lmao. Isn't funny how you can wake up in a dream?
Yes, just last week I had the dream that I went to the hairdresser and this girl was trying to cut split ends which resulted in giving me a fade :nono: Needless to say I woke up sweating, believing that the dream was real. When I woke up, I immediately got up and went to the mirror and it wasn't until then that I realized it was a dream.

So every now and then I will have some strange hair dream, I'm either turning grey, someone is hacking it off, or it's falling out. I notice that this happens when I've been obsessing about my hair, so I've tried to get a hold on that!
Once, I dreamt that I was removing my rollers, after airdrying in a rollerset, and to my HORROR, as I was putting the rollers back in my storage area, I noticed that MY HAIR WAS STILL WRAPPED AROUND THE ROLLERS. :eek: I looked in the mirror and saw bald patches where the roller had been. :eek: :eek: Needless to say, I woke up in a sweat!:perplexed
In the dream I was walking past a mirror, and I saw that I had horribly fried, blond STRAIGHT hair, that was about 1 inch long all over, and looked like it had been cut with a pair of nailclippers. I looked like someone from an insane asylum, and to add insult to injury, I had this HUGE bald patch on one side of my head that looked like someone had burnt the top layer of my skin off with relaxer. *shudder* Mind, I hadn't HAD a relaxer for - shoot, 8 years at the point of that dream?

:look: I woke up, ripped off my scarf, and double checked my hair - just to be super sure. My heart was racing and erryting. :lol:
I have a couple of ex-boyfriends that are barbers and I dreamed that one in particular was lining up my nape and faded out the back because he couldn't see where my line started (my nape/edges ARE naturally blonde, so it's possible!) so I jumped out the chair and beat the brakes offa him :hammer::boxing:
Once, I dreamt that I was removing my rollers, after airdrying in a rollerset, and to my HORROR, as I was putting the rollers back in my storage area, I noticed that MY HAIR WAS STILL WRAPPED AROUND THE ROLLERS. :eek: I looked in the mirror and saw bald patches where the roller had been. :eek: :eek: Needless to say, I woke up in a sweat!:perplexed

My dream was almost like this, except after my rollers came out, I wrapped my hair and everytime the brush passed through it, patches of hair came out. When I put my hands on my head, all I could feel was scalp! :whyme:I almost cried real tears until I woke up and realized it was a dream! And I've had that dream more than once, I just hope it's not a sign of things to come!:cry3:
TOO FUNNY! I dreamt that hair was growing all over my body, like a Big Foot! I ran in the bathroom to cut it and my hair concoctions were in there leaking from the bottom. I burst into tears because I realized that my hair concoctions were making hair grow all over my body. I woke up feeling really weird and tingly all over.
Once, I dreamt that I was removing my rollers, after airdrying in a rollerset, and to my HORROR, as I was putting the rollers back in my storage area, I noticed that MY HAIR WAS STILL WRAPPED AROUND THE ROLLERS. :eek: I looked in the mirror and saw bald patches where the roller had been. :eek: :eek: Needless to say, I woke up in a sweat!:perplexed

Man that's crazy! lmao. I would go enseign!!!
i had a bunch of hair nightmares when i was transitioning/first BC'd... different circumstances each time - they pressed my hair and it wouldn't revert, or they colored my hair but it came out a fried blonde frizzy mess - but at the end of every dream i ended up going to my auntie's boss and she promised to fix whatever damage i had by cutting my hair.

did i mention she was a scissor-happy stylist? :lachen:

i did have a weird dream 2 nights back where my hair was silver-grey. not a nightmare though, although i couldn't figure out why it happened and everyone in my dream was pressuring me to color my hair so no one would know it was grey.

anyone wanna interpret that one? :look:
I haven't had nightmares unless you could the moment i wake up. :(

A few times I've had a dream in which I've had reallllly long, gorgeous natural hair. It's gorgeous. Then I wake up and no MBL/WL natural hair. :( Always a disappointment.
I had a dream that some chick was jealous of me and one day I walked past her and she ran up behind me with a lighter trying to set my hair on fire. I had my back turned and didn't see her running up behind me with the lighter. Lucky for me, one of my sisters appeared out of nowhere and clotheslined that hussy with brutal force. She was knocked to the ground real hard, it was a while before she could get up. Luckily, my hair was not harmed.
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I had a dream that some chick was jealous of me and one day I walked past her and she ran up behind me with a lighter trying to set my hair on fire. I had my back turned and didn't see her running up behind me with the lighter. Lucky for me, one of my sisters appeared out of nowhere and clotheslined that hussy with brutal force. She was knocked to the ground real hard, it was a while before she could get up. Luckily, my hair was not harmed.

man, I had a similar incident but it was not a dream and instead of a lighter, it was crazy glue. I was in the 4th grade at the time and some ***** put crazy glue in my hair. I was pissed but at the time I was so shy and quiet, I didn't act on it. I had to cut off the portion with glue in it.