All of my WL here please!!


Beauty IS skin deep.
Okay, for those of you who are on the WL 08 challenge, I'm curious about something. After reading the "am I still BSL if......" thread, I decided to gather the opinion of others about the whole WL thing. So challengers, when will you claim WL? I've seen that some people claim WL when they reach the top part of their waist. Then I've seen some people who won't claim it until they've reached FULL WL. What will it be for you ladies???
Sorry Im not a WL challenger now but hope to be one day...also I would like to see more responses too so Im kinda bumping this...In the future I will claim it when my hair reach the top part of my waist (I'll give it another two years). Personally, I would also like for most if not all of my hair to be at that WL line.
Sorry Im not a WL challenger now but hope to be one day...also I would like to see more responses too so Im kinda bumping this...In the future I will claim it when my hair reach the top part of my waist (I'll give it another two years). Personally, I would also like for most if not all of my hair to be at that WL line.
That's what I've been wondering: can I still claim WL when I reach the top of my waist?? Claiming a certain length status seems to be an issue for some people, I see. I know it's to each her own, but I'm just wondering how some of the others will be claiming it. A waist is a waist, so does it really matter whether or not it's top or bottom?! I would still be reaching for FULL WL of course, but I just don't want to stick my foot in my mouth if I ever reach that point. But, thanks for the support!!!
I will call it waist when it gets to the top of my waist. You know the smallest part of that area above the belly button. Where ever they measure your waist when they are measuring for clothing(which I'm assuming will be top of waist length). I don't think I want it longer than that because I like how my waist looks and I also have a tat I would be covering if I went to the bottom of WL. And I don't know about anyone else but where my tat is it lines up with my hip bone. So to me that would be Hip length(The bottom of WL).
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That's what I've been wondering: can I still claim WL when I reach the top of my waist?? Claiming a certain length status seems to be an issue for some people, I see. I know it's to each her own, but I'm just wondering how some of the others will be claiming it. A waist is a waist, so does it really matter whether or not it's top or bottom?! I would still be reaching for FULL WL of course, but I just don't want to stick my foot in my mouth if I ever reach that point. But, thanks for the support!!!

It's funny because in that "are u still BSL if..." thread, I mentioned how some people just claim the length APL/MBL/BSL and others will claim when they are full APL/MBL/BSL. For me, as long as your hair is at the length line on your body (i know people's height,proportions/ sizes are diff), you're there. Honestly, When I look at hair on the forum, I look at WL hair and say "She has beautiful WL hair!" When I look at full WL hair, I say "She has beautiful WL hair!" That's just my POV. I wouldn't want to take anything away from the WL/BSL girl. I don't mean to take anything away from the full WL/BSL girl either because I know they both have done well taking care of their hair to get to that length and it shows.
I don't understand why people just don't follow the dang gone chart. It would be so much easier and it wouldn't be so hard to comprehend. The chart makes more sense to me then all these lengths that some people "approve" of.
I am definitely planning to go by the chart for myself. From what I understand, we members pretty much agree on almost all length requirements. BS length, now that is the main controversial length. The hair chart show BSL as the nipples line in front. But what's BSL (nipple line) will also end up being MBL or even WL at the same time for some, lol. right? and that's one reason why everybody doesn't want to go by the chart when it comes to BSL.
I am going by when my v lines up with the indent for my waist, like so --> )-( I didn't realize your waist has a top or a bottom :confused: :drunk:.
I am definitely planning to go by the chart for myself. From what I understand, we members pretty much agree on almost all length requirements. BS length, now that is the main controversial length. The hair chart show BSL as the nipples line in front. But what's BSL (nipple line) will also end up being MBL or even WL at the same time for some, lol. right? and that's one reason why everybody doesn't want to go by the chart when it comes to BSL.

LOL they can just measure from where the nips SHOULD be... even if they sagged a bit. :yep:
It's funny because in that "are u still BSL if..." thread, I mentioned how some people just claim the length APL/MBL/BSL and others will claim when they are full APL/MBL/BSL. For me, as long as your hair is at the length line on your body (i know people's height,proportions/ sizes are diff), you're there. Honestly, When I look at hair on the forum, I look at WL hair and say "She has beautiful WL hair!" When I look at full WL hair, I say "She has beautiful WL hair!" That's just my POV. I wouldn't want to take anything away from the WL/BSL girl. I don't mean to take anything away from the full WL/BSL girl either because I know they both have done well taking care of their hair to get to that length and it shows.
I like your opinion........well said:yep:
I will call it waist when it gets to the top of my waist. You know the smallest part of that area above the belly button. Where ever they measure your waist when they are measuring for clothing(which I'm assuming will be top of waist length). I don't think I want it longer than that because I like how my waist looks and I also have a tat I would be covering if I went to the bottom of WL. And I don't know about anyone else but where my tat is it lines up with my hip bone. So to me that would be Hip length(The bottom of WL).
Okay, I get what you're saying. I'm going to claim it too (if I ever get there:grin:) when I get to the top of my waist. Anything after that will be a major bonus!!!

I don't understand why people just don't follow the dang gone chart. It would be so much easier and it wouldn't be so hard to comprehend. The chart makes more sense to me then all these lengths that some people "approve" of.
I have the chart too, and I always wondered why there wasn't a consensus. When I look at the chart, it appears to me that WL is right above the belly button or something like that. But, it appears that different people have different views. So, when I made the choice to claim WL at or around my belly button, I based that decision off of the chart. We'll see though. Thanks for everyone's responses!!!
You're Welcome! Sorry I, a non-challenger, had to come :peek2: up in here but I can't help but admire all these beautiful heads inchin towards WL. I mean The title of this thread just called my name :spinning:. But we all agree: top, bottom, middle, 1/2, full...whateva--claim it. lol. as long as we can look at a chart and look at your body & see that your hair reaches that point/line, you're there.
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I'll be following the chart....but I'm experiencing some setbacks right now...but whenever I see at least 3 strands of hair hit the my's on like popcorn!!:yep:
Aww, I just joined the forum. I kinda want to do this challenge, eventhough im like 3 months late...ahh oh well. I guess I could always just grow on my own.