All of a sudden every conditioner works....


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever had this happen before? Like you have a stash that you have abandoned and keep getting more products looking for that one, finally enter the use your stash up thread and everything you revisit is working all of a sudden! Maybe it was the cleansing conditioner that was causing it not to take in all the conditioners idk.....But I have just started using poo every week because before I would co wash or use a cleansing conditioner for three weeks and the fourth i would clarify, follow up with a moisturizing poo and then do a protein treatment. I used my purple herbal essence for curly hair and I was expecting it to do nothing but as long as I use my two slippy conditioners i didn't mind because it makes it soft and easy to detangle. But when I rinsed it out, it felt so moisturized and soft.
Maybe that means your hair is healthier and responding better to all conditioners. Not just the super moisturizing ones or the special ones for damaged hair.
My hair responded better to anything and everything once I started doing regular (weekly) protein treatments. It was like every product became new. My hair needs protein to accept moiture and to generally respond to products.
My hair responded better to anything and everything once I started doing regular (weekly) protein treatments. It was like every product became new. My hair needs protein to accept moiture and to generally respond to products.

That could be it but instead of a once a month protein treatment for me i alternate protein and moisture every other wash, so it twice protein and twice moisture
My hair responded better to anything and everything once I started doing regular (weekly) protein treatments. It was like every product became new. My hair needs protein to accept moiture and to generally respond to products.

This. I used only Joico k pak reconstructor for a while, and when I finally decided to use other conditioners, every one I tried worked perfectly......even Suave. This is why I use Joico reconstructor every week and only use moisture maybe every two months or so. I know my regimen won't work for everyone.
Anyone ever had this happen before? Like you have a stash that you have abandoned and keep getting more products looking for that one, finally enter the use your stash up thread and everything you revisit is working all of a sudden! Maybe it was the cleansing conditioner that was causing it not to take in all the conditioners idk.....But I have just started using poo every week because before I would co wash or use a cleansing conditioner for three weeks and the fourth i would clarify, follow up with a moisturizing poo and then do a protein treatment. I used my purple herbal essence for curly hair and I was expecting it to do nothing but as long as I use my two slippy conditioners i didn't mind because it makes it soft and easy to detangle. But when I rinsed it out, it felt so moisturized and soft.

I think it might be because you started shampooing. I just used shampoo for the first time in almost a year and it made my conditioner take better. I think I'll start doing it once a week. Doesn't do the scalp any favors but light oiling can take care of that for me.
I had the same thing happen too. I switched from a cowash to a sulfate shampoo and my breakage has stopped and conditioners work so much better.

I cosign this. I was using no-poos and poo-free and my hair was always ok. Everything was mediocre. Now that im using sulphates, everything generally works better. If it cleans better, other products will work better. Maybe that's just me.
I agree. Once I started using shampoo, my conditioners worked better. I use sulfate free, but I still cleanses really well.
I had the same thing happen too. I switched from a cowash to a sulfate shampoo and my breakage has stopped and conditioners work so much better.

that's so awesome and evidence of how every head it different:yep:

i had the opposite happen....when i stopped using sulfate shampoo on a regular basis, everything else worked better and i find my hair needs less, not more. my hair went to another level. i still use sulfates to clarify after using cones and maybe once a month but not weekly.
:yep: Kenra shampoo for the last few weeks has made a big difference. My plan is to clarify and chelate once a month and keep up with weekly shampoos.

Havailland - ITA, different things work for everyone.

I have to get me a new clarifying shampoo, quantum was soooo drying. I might get ors aloe shampoo gbunnie
Lilmama1011 - I haven't before because I just started using shampoo regularly this summer, but I'm going to try it this winter.

The only time I co-wash is if I worked out and I need to clean my hair, but it is too soon to wash. Then, I use the As I Am Co-wash because it feels like it still cleanses.
I hope my hair reacts the same in the winter. When I first moved to another state my hair went in shock. Back home it use to stay moisturized and healthy looking. When I moved my hair started looking dry and frizzy and just rebelling and I was using the same products. And I heard a couple on here say it happened as well when they moved to a different climate. I had to switch up my products all together and I had it under control 2 months later. I was buying all sorts of products under the sun at Sally's and they were not working so i would take them back. Now my hair isunder control. But let me decide to go back home, I wonder how my hair would do then....
I hope my hair reacts the same in the winter. When I first moved to another state my hair went in shock. Back home it use to stay moisturized and healthy looking. When I moved my hair started looking dry and frizzy and just rebelling and I was using the same products. And I heard a couple on here say it happened as well when they moved to a different climate. I had to switch up my products all together and I had it under control 2 months later. I was buying all sorts of products under the sun at Sally's and they were not working so i would take them back. Now my hair isunder control. But let me decide to go back home, I wonder how my hair would do then....

I started using Redken cleansing Creme and that's a good clarifier. My regimen also changed seasonally.

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together