All Indian Products - Special Promotion from TheIndianFoodStore for our forum!


New Member
Hi all!

I am a brand new member of this forum, but I have been a lurker (sorry!) for a very long time and have benefited tremendously from all of the members here. I am happy to become a member so I can post and share my thoughts with you as well!

I wanted to make my first post as a contribution towards the forum to thank them for all of the help I have received from here. I use a lot of Indian products based on what I have read here including Amla Oil and powders, Vatika Oil, and other products. I've made several purchases from TheIndianFoodStore on (there is a thread about the store in the Vendor Review forum) and spoke to them this week. They are fabulous people and they even knew who I was since I've placed about 4 orders with them in the past few months! I was pretty impressed that they knew a lot about me even though they probably have hundreds of customers.

Anyways, I was able to talk to the owner/manager and explain to him that there were a lot of members in this forum that used these products. I also complained to him about the high shipping charges that were being charged on very small items, and he said that he understood. Anyways, I talked to him to see if he could help all the members of the forum out and he said that he would be glad to. He said that he would be willing to offer a special discount code to LHCF members for 30 days that provided a tiered discount based on how much the customer would order for all Dabur brand and Hesh brand beauty items. Basically, the more you buy the more the savings. Here is the list, you must purchase atleast:

$10 - $25 - Receive a 5% discount
$25 - $40 - Receive a 10% discount
$40 - $75 - Receive a 15% discount
$75 - $125 - Receive a 20% discount
$125+ - Receive a 25% discount

This is on top of the items they have Buy 5, Get 6 Shipped promotions on! I think this is a great chance for us to save on some of our favorite items, and thank TheIndianFoodStore for their support. Use the coupon code LONGHAIR for the discount. He said fresh product just arrived, so all expiration dates are long. He did mention though that some Dabur items come with manufacturing dates on them, so he told me that customers sometimes get confused that these are expiration dates even though it says on the bottle that there is a 36 month life (i.e. product manufactured in 2006 expires in 2009).

Here is a link to their store with their products:

WELL....The discounts are over, but it looks like they have lower prices on their own website now:

Just do a search for "Dabur" and "Hesh" to find the products. Note: They also have two new products!

Dabur Amla GOLD Hair Oil & Dabur Vatika OLIVE Oil

I hope this helps some of you out.
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Thank you for this! I have put off ordering from them until now because of the high shipping charges. This discount does add an incentive though.

ETA: And welcome Priya to LHCF!! :grin:
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Wow, thanks alot. This gives me more incentive in ordering from them instead of someone else.

Maybe this should go inside the discount thread?
WOW thats great of you to do that and of them. Their sales are going to shoot through the roof least for the next 30 days.
Welcome, Priya19 !!!

Thank you for your contribution. I am fairly new to Indian hair products. :drunk: Presently, I'm in the process of compiling a list of goodies to order, so this is certainly timely and helpful..:yep:
Awesome! Thanks I will definitely check it out. Hopefully he will think about making it a permanent discount!
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Wow, thank you very much for sharing this. I may give these infamous Indian products a try now after I do some research.

Oh, and welcome to the board! :wave:
This is great Priya! I have ordered from them in the past and I was very pleased with their service. Welcome and thanks for a great contribution to the forum. HHG!:drunk:
Thanks Priya,
Maybe its time for me to stock up on my Amla powders since I struggle to find those from the Indian stores here. They never stay in stock for long, but hmmmm.......the Vatika Olive oils sounds like something I'm willing to try.
Hi all!

I am a brand new member of this forum, but I have been a lurker (sorry!) for a very long time and have benefited tremendously from all of the members here. I am happy to become a member so I can post and share my thoughts with you as well!

I wanted to make my first post as a contribution towards the forum to thank them for all of the help I have received from here. I use a lot of Indian products based on what I have read here including Amla Oil and powders, Vatika Oil, and other products. I've made several purchases from TheIndianFoodStore on (there is a thread about the store in the Vendor Review forum) and spoke to them this week. They are fabulous people and they even knew who I was since I've placed about 4 orders with them in the past few months! I was pretty impressed that they knew a lot about me even though they probably have hundreds of customers.

Anyways, I was able to talk to the owner/manager and explain to him that there were a lot of members in this forum that used these products. I also complained to him about the high shipping charges that were being charged on very small items, and he said that he understood. Anyways, I talked to him to see if he could help all the members of the forum out and he said that he would be glad to. He said that he would be willing to offer a special discount code to LHCF members for 30 days that provided a tiered discount based on how much the customer would order for all Dabur brand and Hesh brand beauty items. Basically, the more you buy the more the savings. Here is the list, you must purchase atleast:

$10 - $25 - Receive a 5% discount
$25 - $40 - Receive a 10% discount
$40 - $75 - Receive a 15% discount
$75 - $125 - Receive a 20% discount
$125+ - Receive a 25% discount

This is on top of the items they have Buy 5, Get 6 Shipped promotions on! I think this is a great chance for us to save on some of our favorite items, and thank TheIndianFoodStore for their support. Use the coupon code LONGHAIR for the discount. He said fresh product just arrived, so all expiration dates are long. He did mention though that some Dabur items come with manufacturing dates on them, so he told me that customers sometimes get confused that these are expiration dates even though it says on the bottle that there is a 36 month life (i.e. product manufactured in 2006 expires in 2009).

Here is a link to their store with their products:

Just do a search for "Dabur" and "Hesh" to find the products. Note: They also have two new products!

Dabur Amla GOLD Hair Oil & Dabur Vatika OLIVE Oil

I hope this helps some of you out.

This is what is on the website; for those that may not go to the link:

Special Offers and Product Promotions
  • As a special promotion from TheIndianFoodStore and LongHairCareForums, we are offering a tiered discount for your favorite items by Dabur and Hesh Brands! Receive up to a 25% discount! Fresh product has just arrived, so stock up or you may miss out! Enter code LONGHAIR at checkout. Here's how (restrictions apply)
It's saying that it's a special promotion from us, not for us. I mean we still maybe eligible for the promotion but we need to be careful as to where and what we stick our name with. That's all.

Just something to think about.
Just received my order today after a couple of days and tried the new Dabur Amla Gold. This stuff is great! Has anyone else tried it or the Vatika Olive?
This is what is on the website; for those that may not go to the link:

Special Offers and Product Promotions
  • As a special promotion from TheIndianFoodStore and LongHairCareForums, we are offering a tiered discount for your favorite items by Dabur and Hesh Brands! Receive up to a 25% discount! Fresh product has just arrived, so stock up or you may miss out! Enter code LONGHAIR at checkout. Here's how (restrictions apply)
It's saying that it's a special promotion from us, not for us. I mean we still maybe eligible for the promotion but we need to be careful as to where and what we stick our name with. That's all.

Just something to think about.

Point well taken Ava. I don't think the discount should read as if LHCF is promoting or profiting from the deal. It is a discount offered to us, not from us:perplexed. Indian products have lots of fans on the board, but it is not a board about Indian products.

Maybe Priya can ask them to re-word the promotion.
Just spoke to them today and got that fixed. They said they were sorry, and had no intention of trying to make our board seem as if it were involved.

Next time if I ever do this then I will make sure to keep that in mind
Priya are you sure you're not affiliated with that store? Maybe it's the New Yorker in me, but both your names are Indian (so I'll assume you're of East Indian descent) so I find it strange that you claim to have learned about Indian products from the ladies on this board. :look:

All the same, thank you for the discount/ offer.
Actually Im from New York as well, born and raised there but now I live in a small town a ways from Jacksonville. My dad is Indian, but my mom is Caucasian American. I was never really exposed to the Indian beauty product ( my dad doesn't use anything ) until one of my friends recommended them to me. I started researching and that's where I found this forum...

From what I understand, there are many Indians here on this board. I'm sorry if you feel that I am affiliated with the store. I won't contact other vendors in the future if everyone does not like it. I'm sorry! :ohwell:
Actually Im from New York as well, born and raised there but now I live in a small town a ways from Jacksonville. My dad is Indian, but my mom is Caucasian American. I was never really exposed to the Indian beauty product ( my dad doesn't use anything ) until one of my friends recommended them to me. I started researching and that's where I found this forum...

From what I understand, there are many Indians here on this board. I'm sorry if you feel that I am affiliated with the store. I won't contact other vendors in the future if everyone does not like it. I'm sorry! :ohwell:

Don't sweat it, I like discounts!
Priya are you sure you're not affiliated with that store? Maybe it's the New Yorker in me, but both your names are Indian (so I'll assume you're of East Indian descent) so I find it strange that you claim to have learned about Indian products from the ladies on this board. :look:

All the same, thank you for the discount/ offer.

My thoughts exactly. Online venders are known for using this tactics...remember the humani gold era on this board...where the owners of that site joined our site trying to promote their site/products.