All-inclusive womens vitamin


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies!

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before but Centrum has come out with a new vitamin for women. It includes 4 mg of biotin, 15 mg of pantothenic acid, 2mg of silicon, 18 mg of iron, and 72 mg of chloride (helps with skin). It has all of the other stuff (vitamins C, D, E, K, B6, Magnesium, etc). It comes with 100 tablets and I think it was about 10 dollars. I'll still take MSM and my Omega 3's, but I wont have to take some other hair, skin, and nail supplements that come with a 30 day supply and a large price tag.
Thank you! I have been trying to find an all inclusive vitamin because it's hard for me to be consistent with a lot of differnt ones