All I can say is JUST WATCH this video!!!!

That little girl is so pretty....but this video made me sad, I can't bear to see little kids cry..

Don't even get me started on the pressing comb :nono::nono:
H.A.M., literally. It's a shame we sometimes teach our kids that they have to pay a high price through discomfort and misery to be "beautiful." I mean really, what was wrong with the pony tails she had? If it was that uncomfortable for her to have it straightened, they shouldn't have. period. JMO So sad...
Too much screaming. I had to turn it off after the first two minutes(before the rest of the office hears it, plus it saddened me).

Goodness! I wonder does the mother realize she's torturing that little girl. I think she may have burned her.
WOW . . . really sad to watch and makes me sad for that little girl. Can't even be a kid when adults put so much into hair - and the way they are screaming at her. I couldn't even finish watching.
So sad :nono: We've been brainwashed into thinking that straight hair is the only way to look "beautiful" and a lot of women still think this way. It's a shame.
I've seen this before. I don't understand the point in torturing that poor baby with a hot comb. That lady was way too rough and it was unnecessary.
Poor girl. I bet if you told that lady that the problem is mostly her technique she wouldn't even want to hear it. She'd probably blame it on the girl's thick hair instead.
My heart hurt watching that. It's the same thing I went through as a child, minus the hot comb, but I certainly had combs dragged through my hair. I don't understand why mothers don't learn to care for their child's hair instead of running to the "easy" option of a hot comb.
My mom started pressing my hair when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade. I think I can't remember, but I was pretty young. I'm sure if I had screamed and cried like this little girl she never would have, but I remember just sitting there getting it done. I remember moving and getting my ear burnt too. Usually after moving around to much she would quit.
We discussed this video a few months ago here. I can't recall what the outcome was though but I'm assuming if it's still up the mother still thinks its ok.
Why do people record stuff like this, it's so weird. Like who even thinks to do this. I don't agree with them having to press her hair or them yelling at her but it doesn't appear that the lady is being too rough or hurting her. I just don't think she wants to get it done.
^I agree. I didn't watch the whole thing again but she didn't yell ouch or immediately move when the comb touched her, a natural reflex to being burned. I think she just didn't want her hair done.

Now, how I FEEL about babies getting presses is another thing, but from the video, she does not appear to be in danger or anything, just crying because she doesn't want her hair done..
Why do people record stuff like this, it's so weird. Like who even thinks to do this. I don't agree with them having to press her hair or them yelling at her but it doesn't appear that the lady is being too rough or hurting her. I just don't think she wants to get it done.

^I agree. I didn't watch the whole thing again but she didn't yell ouch or immediately move when the comb touched her, a natural reflex to being burned. I think she just didn't want her hair done.

Now, how I FEEL about babies getting presses is another thing, but from the video, she does not appear to be in danger or anything, just crying because she doesn't want her hair done..
Y'all are probably right. Even though I question that lady's technique, I think about what I go through when I try to do my daughter's hair. She can raise unholy heck at the mere suggestion of getting her her done and I really do try to apply a gentle hand. Things have gotten better but I think she just doesn't like the process.
Or, she could have been burned in the past by a hot comb. Every time she feels the heat near her scalp she could be crying, thinking about how she got burned before. I know if I got hurt before, I wince up to embrace the pain I may experience even if I may not get hurt again. However, kids just cry.

But at the same time, I did not appreciate the comment from the Aunt doing the hair, "this comb can't get hot enough to straighten her hair" or something like that. You don't NEED 1000 degree heat to get straight hair. Of course, she doesn't know that but still....
I remember this. My question is why would you put this on youtube...I mean really

My sentiments exactly!!! What on earth is to be gained by posting a vid of a child getting burned by a hot comb and scolded for being afraid of it? People are so stupid.
This video is so old. It has been posted time and again. I understand its sensitive nature, but it is just like the video of the girl crying with the perm burning her hair. Severely over posted.:ohwell:
omg that is terrible. & they wonder why black girls go through so much for their hair because of the things they go through as little girls
I was a screaming child when it came to getting my hair done I would run run the compound screeching until I was caught. That was just for them to put them in 4-6 plaits, why would they go through that for a press?