All AVEDA CHALLENGERS!!! Are you also doing protein treatments?

la flaca

New Member
If so, What protein/product are you using. I am doing light protein prepoos but I'm looking for a strong protein to do every 6 weeks.

According to the sales rep DR has protein in it so I will hold off on the hard core protein treatment.
yeah my hair hates protein!! i use the DR intensive maybe once a month or every other month. i cant even use that more than that! my hair goes hair wire when i do:sad:!!!
DR is great, but I can only use it once a month as well due to the protein, but La Flaca is right. The protein is not too harsh so I can stand it.

If you want to do a protein treatment, try the following:

ORS Mayo Treatment (in the tub)
Silicon Mix (in the tub) Love it! :love:
LeKair Super Cholesterol and effective

The hardest protein that I know of is Aphogee Reconstructor treatment. This is the stuff that you have to put in and sit under the dryer until your hair is hard, dry and stiff. I haven't done this in years. Maybe one of these days I will...
I just use the DR poo, condish, and treatment every weekly wash...been doing this for about a month and so far so good.

OT: my hair is usually a bit dry when I take my twists down every week...not anymore! Goooooooo AVEDA! lol
If you really need more protein than what the DR gives you, you really should consider's the most 'gangsta' of protein treatments...great product!
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