Album Updates


New Member
hey , I have some updates. Took a couple of pic after my relaxer and realized that I have about 3 inches left to get to brastrap:grin: hurrahhhhhhh. Anyways just wanted to thank you ladies cause without this board, my hair would still be where it was in may, sad and breaking. Take a look at my pics, the link is in my signature, no password required :)

hey lady :D
Mais c'est bien ca, its really REALLY growing, and you know that friend of yours still refuses to use MTG!
Naijaqueen said:
hey lady :D
Mais c'est bien ca, its really REALLY growing, and you know that friend of yours still refuses to use MTG!
Merci, lol I know right, I tried to talk her into using it. Oh well.
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Thats great progress and secondly after just under a year on here I have found my hair twin.

I notice we have the same thickest, end look the same, and its grows the same shape and I am hoping that when I relax in dec it will be pretty much the same length.

Check out my album and see what you think

Your hair is very encouraging, I have been going through a rough patch seeing your has made feel that I CAN DO IT

Thank You and great progress keep growing.

It would be nice to keep in touch through PM, I have loads of questions for you

Congratulations:lachen: :lachen: . You've made great progress. We both joined in August so I'll look forward to seeing you reach your goal before our 1 yr anniversary. I know I need a good cut but I won't be too far behind you!!!
Your hair is very pretty!!! Also, great progress in such a short period of time, keep doing what you're doing, girl!
very beautiful progress...okay now you got me wanting to start using my MTG...and you said you used it twice a day...morning and evenings????...i need to really find something more pwerful to mask the order...did you notice if the condition of your hair improved also?? i mean such as breakage and frizzy hair???
Ok i was using MTG everyday then I slacked off to 5x a week, but ur 2x a day... :eek: I cant imagine using it in the morning, but now u have me pumped!!
Thanks everyone.
@ bluediamond0829- I think that my hair improved tremendously over these last six months, maybe I can atrribute it to the MTG, but I am not sure cause I also use alot of conditoners and a ton of leave in condtioners, so that really heps with the frizz.
I would love to be your hair buddy, I send you a PM.
kizzylonghair said:

Thats great progress and secondly after just under a year on here I have found my hair twin.

I notice we have the same thickest, end look the same, and its grows the same shape and I am hoping that when I relax in dec it will be pretty much the same length.

Check out my album and see what you think

Your hair is very encouraging, I have been going through a rough patch seeing your has made feel that I CAN DO IT

Thank You and great progress keep growing.

It would be nice to keep in touch through PM, I have loads of questions for you

Thanks, my hair has never been this long, I am just scared that one day it is going to break off back to the same lenght it has always been. Just wish me luck that I can manage to keep the lenght that I have just retained.