Album Updates: Braidouts and Hair inspirations


Well-Known Member
I had been meaning to update my album since the first week of January, but family illness and job search commitment prevented me. Then, for the past few weeks, I have been feeling kind of vain and shallow to be talking about hair considering all the turmoil happening in my native country (Haiti). Sigh. Ya know, there is never going to be a perfect time, so I am just going ahead.

I have finally an album about my hair inspirations. It is by no means complete. I hope to add more pics before the summer.

I have album about my experiments with braidouts. Nay's pictures gave me the push I needed. Thanks, Nay!
Love the waves, Jessy, but I have to say you are way braver than I. I would be terrified to sleep without putting my hair back in braids.
I'm glad the tangles weren't as bad as I imagined they'd be. And I see you were not lacking in styling ideas.
Now if only I could borrow your hair for a few days.... *sigh*
See Noni, I think it's possible to keep the braid's waves if you sleep with a satin or silk scarf or with a bonnet, but I just can't. And I wanted to avoid the extra manipulation involved in rebraiding.

But normally, when my hair is not in twistsouts or braidouts, I usually pin it or band it and I sleep on a satin pillowcase.
Jessy, girl, you are just as cute as you wanna be!! I love your style and creativity. You said I was an inspiration. Shoot, you inspire me to be a little bolder with my hair.

Your braidout hair was lovely. Your hair has so much life, that I bet folks secretly want to just play in it
But, then again, all of your styles are great.

Thanks for sharing. I know what you mean about feeling vain when taking all of those self photos. But, hey, we can't learn from each other if we can't see what each other is doing. So keep the pics coming.

And don't be surprised if the next time I update my album, I've got me some "Styles courtesy of Jessy55" going
Thanks for sharing your great pictures Jessy. Nay is an inspiration to me too even though my hair is relaxed. I may try sleeping on my satin pillowcase without rebraiding one of these nights, just to see what happens.

Also, about feeling vain and shallow focusing on your hair while things are in turmoil... there are major, depressing things going on in my life right now with both friends and family. Taking time out to come to LHCF is healing for me and allows me to focus on positive things and maybe even help someone else out. The hair pictures you shared Jessy are helping many of us ladies out and that's a very positive thing.
I believe when we focus on the positive, joyful things in our lives, we can more easily give our best to those who may be suffering in our lives.
Isis said:
Thanks for sharing your great pictures Jessy. Nay is an inspiration to me too even though my hair is relaxed. I may try sleeping on my satin pillowcase without rebraiding one of these nights, just to see what happens.

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Be ready for the mohawk!
I always get one when I sleep on my hair loose.

Isis said:
Also, about feeling vain and shallow focusing on your hair while things are in turmoil... there are major, depressing things going on in my life right now with both friends and family. Taking time out to come to LHCF is healing for me and allows me to focus on positive things and maybe even help someone else out. The hair pictures you shared Jessy are helping many of us ladies out and that's a very positive thing.
I believe when we focus on the positive, joyful things in our lives, we can more easily give our best to those who may be suffering in our lives.

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Well, that's good to hear. Thank you Isis, Nay, Miss_Brown and Happylocks. I am glad you enjoyed the updates. I have learned so much from other women sharing generously their knowledge and skills.

And Nay, if you try other styles and you like the result, don't forget to take pics. It's so great to see all the style options available for longer natural hair.
I love all of your styles!!! I wish I was that experimental. But I am such a perefectionist when it comes to imitating certain styles that it ends up looking too neat or restricting. But you definitely pulled those styles of really well. I am really digging that flower chignon!!! I am definitely gonna try that when I get sum length. I have a large purple rose as a hair assecory that I havent used yet. But now you gave me a great idea of what I can do with it. I even printed it out so that I dont forget. Awesome hair!!!