Album Update


Well-Known Member
I have not updated my album in some time but I was taking pics just too lazy to upload them. I have had a few set backs but I think I am starting to get back on track now. The only thing I have been consistent with Since Nov. is Lenzi Request, as far as vitamins go I just recently started taking my multi again Centrum and I occacially take naturesmade b complex when I remember. One thing I have noticed for sure is the nape of my hair which is growing great now since I started using pca moisturizer by dudley. I will upload those pics later this is the best moisturizer I have ever used. I am now a true believer that moisture is key to retaining length. Anyways I just wanted to share and to say thank you because without this forum I have no idea what condition my hair would be in. Thanks for all the great advice and support.

password: hair
Nice growth, your hair must grow like weeds. Despite the so called trim it really looks nice and healthy, w/great shine. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks ladies for all the compliments. This forum is what allowed me to reach my goals, I am not totally there as yet but I am trying hard to achieve them. The day I reach brastrap I will faint probably cause I don't think it is possible for me so we will see what happens. Thanks again
OMG girl! It looks like you have actually retained more than 9" of growth in 16 months!!! How did you do that??? In Jan 2005 you were about 2-3" at the back and now July 2006 you are at shoulder lenght, almost armpit!!! That is amazing! Your hair is very beautiful...., keep on doing your thing!!