Album update


New Member
I updated my album today. I rollerset and flat ironed my hair for the first time in almost a year. I was pretty happy with the results since I've been transitioning for 11 months now. I used my ceramic Jilbere flatiron and it got my hair very straight.

There's no password to the album right now. All the new pics are in the 2005 folder. Here's the link:
Your hair looks REALLY GOOD! :yep: Nice and silky when straighten (I need to get me some NTM serum one of these days)! You're doing a wonderful job transitioning!!! Keep it up!!! :up:

When do you plan to chop it all off??? :grin:
Poohbear said:
Your hair looks REALLY GOOD! :yep: Nice and silky when straighten (I need to get me some NTM serum one of these days)! You're doing a wonderful job transitioning!!! Keep it up!!! :up:

When do you plan to chop it all off??? :grin:

That serum reall seems to do the trick for you Tai. Well done! :up:
Great updates Tai, I love the rollerset and the braidout. Your hair is so thick and healthy!
Thanks, everyone. :kiss: I don't plan to cut off the texturized ends until I'm at bra strap so I figure I have about a year before I do the BC. My hair is about 40-45% natural and the rest texturized.
very pretty, your doing so well with your transitioning and you've accomplished so much growth within 11 months. Tai whats your regime? and do you take any vits? please send me a PM.
den1 said:
very pretty, your doing so well with your transitioning and you've accomplished so much growth within 11 months. Tai whats your regime? and do you take any vits? please send me a PM.

Thanks, Den. Honestly, my hair looks thicker to me but I don't really see the growth anymore.

My regime is pretty simple. I cowash between 6-4 times a week with DDTA or St. Ives Jojoba and Raspberry ( I have a ton of conditioners that I try but these two are my staples). I use Surge cut with an oil (jojoba, lotion motion #9, WGO, etc) then I use a bit of conditioner as a leave in or a creamy leave in (Suave Coconut, Allways Instant oil moisturizer, Myhoneychild type 3 creme, Recovery, just one of these but I switch them up), pull it back in a ponytail and let it dry. Sometimes I leave the pony out and scrunch it to help it curl up or I do the baggie method. I deep condition when the mood strikes me (AO's GPB, Capilo sole and cinnamon, Salerm Wheat Germ Mask, Nacidit Avocado) normally with heat between 20 minutes to an hour. I tend to use heat about once every three to four months. The tools I use are the Jilbere shower comb, K cutter, Denman 31 & 4 and Scunci hair hosiery for the ponytails. I only comb or brush when my hair is wet and full of conditioner. Oh and I only shampoo when I've got build up or when I'm going to straighten my hair. I like Elasta's creme conditioning shampoo. CON stopped working in my hair.

I go through spurts w/ vitamins but I take the Puritan's Pride brand. I use Biotin (10 mg) L-Caratine (sp?), L-Methioine (sp?) an enzyme tablet. I also use SuperMade's complete 100 b vitamin complex. It gives you more of the different vitamins and minerals than the SuperMade Super B that other people here use.
Tai, u have such beautiful hair (( I tell u this all of the time ;) )). Ur doing such a wonderful job caring for ur transitioning hair.
Thank you, Peach. :kiss: You know my hair just wants to be like yours once it grows up.
Peachtree said:
Tai, u have such beautiful hair (( I tell u this all of the time ;) )). Ur doing such a wonderful job caring for ur transitioning hair.
Girl, your hair is so pretty it's sick..and I mean that in a good way..:lol: Hey, PM me your addy again..I accidentally deleted it.. your CK sample has been sitting here FOREVER...:look:
Your hair is beautiful! Are you currently growing out layers or does your hair grow that way? Either way...gorgeous! Happy hair growing. :antlers:
Thank you again, everyone. :kiss:

My hair seems to grow in layers. I've gotten it blunt cut so many times but it never stays so I just give up and let it do what it do.

I'm sending a PM your way, RushGirl.
Tai, your hair is beautiful! I never could get it straight like that when I was transitioning, great job:)