Album Update


New Member
I'm now 2 months post relaxer and my growth rate has been pretty strong and steady. I actually blow dryed my hair from totally wet today and I'm amazed @ how thick the roots are compared to the rest of my hair. The amount of growth I have now is usually what I have @ 4 months post. I have no idea how I'm going to make it another month, much less two. :D I'm really happy that my hair is progressing the way it is after I cut those 4 inches off in January.
Wow your hair is so pretty Army QT....

your 8 weeks post and your hair looks so silky and straight....i see the growth as well...

Keep it up....
OMG ArmyQT :eek: . Your hair looks so thick and healthy!!! Keep up the good work :p . Is that Rusk Leave-in really helping with the new growth? So, are you going to continue using Phytorelaxer?
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Thanks ladies :)

@Nice - Yes, the rusk smoother is GREAT! And I most definitely will continue to use the Phytorealxer. :)
controlFreak said:

How do u get your hair to look like that? did u blow dry and flat iron? what products did u use?

I used Kenra MC poo and CO. For leave-in I used Rusk smooher, Lacio Lacio and some NTM serum. I blow dried it and then applied CD HHB and Hairmilk. I didn't use a flat iron at all. I love all these products together. My hair is so soft.

Thanks for the compliments ladies. :)
Great growth, ArmyQT! :up: Your hair is gorgeous! So smooth, shiny, thick, and long, and it looks so soft! Great job, chica! :)