Album Update


New Member
I added 2 photos in my yahoo album. My hair has a little flip in the back since I didn't wrap it last night. I went to visit some family members yesterday and everyone thought my hair looked good. Some even said it was growing. I did another Silk Element touch up and I still like it.
lshevonne said:
I added 2 photos in my yahoo album. My hair has a little flip in the back since I didn't wrap it last night. I went to visit some family members yesterday and everyone thought my hair looked good. Some even said it was growing. I did another Silk Element touch up and I still like it.

Yes, i can see the growth, its beautiful. Have you stopped using the Affirm Fiberguard? what's silk element like then~?
Den1- I had to make some cut backs so now I'm doing my hair. I'm loving the Silk Elements. It is a no-lye relaxer, my hair doesn't seem to mind it.

Cincybrownsugar, Msportugal, Waterchylde & Peachtree- Thanks, I can never see the growth. I not sure how I managed so little from the detangle. It's not always that good. I'm wrapping my hair tonight so who knows what it will look like in the morning.