Airdrying Loose-Procedures


Well-Known Member
I want to air dry my hair loose. Before doing this I intend to add my Arosci leave in, when would I add my kemi oil? Do I leave my hair soaking wet or towel dry it slightly first? I plan on doing two large cainrows once its dry, do you think I will have to add more oils to comb it through?
Thank you
I usually towel dry slightly and airdry on damp hair, i add my moisturisers and oils to lock in moisture. you may not need to add more products the hair should have good moisture levels after applying this method (at least my hair usually does).
I know Supergirl airdries loose - maybe do a search on her cause I know she discussed it in a few threads. I do it - but it doesn't come out as great as hers. Good luck.
I airdry loose. I only squeeze a small amount of water out with a silk scarf. I apply a leave in (currently Salerm 21 for airdry) and walk around with a silk scarf pinned around my shoulders. Once my hair is partially dry, I add oil (Africa's best clove and olive works best for my airdrying). I apply small amounts of oil throughout the drying process, concentrating on my ends. Once my hair is dry, I put my hair in a high ponytail and put two rollers on the ends of the ponytail. I tie it up and go to bed. In the morning, my hair is soft, shiny and I have a nice bouncy ponytail.
once Im over 5 or 6 weeks post relaxer its hard for my newgrowth to dry straight, so I put it in two loose pigtails and let it dry part of the way, then let it loose. After that I usually plait it up(cant cornrow) for a braidout. This is when my braidouts come out the best is on fresh clean hair that has already mostly dried and then sleep in my braids.

I usally wash or cowash and condition, then apply leave in to my wet hair, then apply moisturizer to my wet hair, then a little oil to seal it, then I put it in one or more ponytails to dry. like someone said above, I apply small amounts of oil throught the process and when its dry, its very soft. The next day my braidout is soft and shiny.