Air drying


New Member
OK. On Friday night I conditioner washed my hair, combed it out (wet), and was kinda at a loss as to how to let it dry. I am trying to eliminate blow drying it. So I twisted it in these medium sized twists and low and behold when I woke up Saturday morning...lets just say it wasnt pretty!!!:lol: So then I re-did them smaller and took them out the next day and it looked better. Is it possible that I can do something different and be fly and not look like Ciely? HELP!!!!
LoL@ Ciely!

Did you use some type of moisturizer or oil after you CO Washed?
It helps eliminate the frizzes and dryness.

Instead of twists maybe you can try braids or bun it up.

HTH~ :)
naturallady said:
Is it possible that I can do something different and be fly and not look like Ciely?


When I air dry, I spray Infusium on my scalp, shaft, and ends and then I put it up in a flippy bun (bun with only the ends tucked away, or a folded ponytail) making smoothing my hair with a bone comb and one of those thick combs with the different colors on the teeth (don't know what it is). I've gotten good results with that.
Before I twisted it I just left the conditioner on my hair. I didn't add anything else to it. Maybe that was the problem!!! What do you suggest I do about putting the twists/braids in a bun? My hair is not quite long enough to do that yet. Thanks for the tips!
I'm not sure what the problem is exactly. Were you twists sticking out all over? If so, spritzing your hair with a glycerine water mist will help and if you don't mind air drying all over again. Just stand under the shower and let the water run over them. With both ways they will dry and hang perfectly. ;) If sticking out isn't the problem give more details. Good job on trying to stay away from heat and your puff in your avator is cute.
Well ,my twists are not long enough for me to pull into a bun. When it's wet you know about the major shrinkage. My twists are only about 2 inches when I do them wet. So I suppose you could say they stick out. Hope this helps. BTW, thanks about the puff!! :)
I'm not natural so i don't know the best solution for you. But being relaxed..i've come to find out that not all products are created equal. first, id suggest searching this board for a product that would produce the results you want. salon products work better for me. 2ndly, i'd suggest for you to air dry your hair (AT LEAST ONCE), without any products in it...just to see what u are working with. I did it a few months back and i was pleasantly surprised how super fast my hair dried and how straight it was. The reason i suggest to do it once, is once you comb it out...then u can assess what your hair needs. For instance if it's tangling...then u need a product with slip. If it's not breaking, then avoid products with protein. If it's dry then u need oils, etc etc. So that is my suggestion as far as how to tackle your issue. I'm not a fan of infusium because it has too much protein to be used as a leave-in, so try something else. I'm also not a fan of airdrying because it makes my relaxed hair very fragile and hard. BUT when i'm not being best method of drying is allowing my hair to airdry like 40% without any product in it (takes about 20mins) and then add products, and then blowdry. So that my hair is straight yet fluffy and thick, but my cuticles are sealed and my hair isn't fragile and hard. It works for me... Good luck, your puff looks cute by the way....