Air Drying...


SuperDuper Member
For people who live in the colder areas: Do you still air dry your hair when it's cold outside?? I am so curious to know. I live in Philly... it's been cold outside. Since it's been colder out, I haven't air dried my hair.
i guess it not hard for me now cause i am in braids i just tie it up afther i do what i have to do to it:yep:dont think i would try it once i go back to a relax house dont get that hot my feet are cold right now:lachen:i think i going to baggie just in the day time i get colds to fast.andthe braids dry kind of fast cause i dont have long hair yet:lachen:
i couldn't air-dry my hair in the cold cuz my parents were too cheap to turn the heat on: so if the heat is on in the house: then u can air-dry: if its chilly or cold: air-dryin is gonna take a long time: i'm talking about 'over night' drying: but thats me. HTH
I still airdry in the colder weather. I squeeze my hair dry and bun it up, then wear a scarf whenever I am going to be outside (i.e. in the car on the way to work) until I get to my destination, then I remove it to go inside where it's warm :yep:.
I still airdry in the colder weather. I squeeze my hair dry and bun it up, then wear a scarf whenever I am going to be outside (i.e. in the car on the way to work) until I get to my destination, then I remove it to go inside where it's warm :yep:.

I do exactly the same thing. I live in Ontario, Canada
When I shampoo, I do it as soon as I get home from work. My hair is relatively dry before I tie it up at night.
During the colder months here I don't air dry all the way. I sit under a hooded dryer for 10-15 minutes to get the bulk of the wetness out, and then I let it air dry the rest of the way.
I'm stationed in germany right now and it's COLD! I wash my hair when I get home from work and when I get out the shower I leave it hanging and wrap my microfiber towel around it. I lotion and dress and take the towel off without any manipulation. By the time I'm ready to go to bed it's still damp, but not soaking wet. I bun it and tie it down. In the morning the outside is fully dry but the inside is still a little damp. As soon as I get home from work I take the bun down and it usually finishes drying that night. Get a microfiber towel, it really gets a lot of the water out. You don't have to rub it around your head just wrap it and leave it for a little while. Hope this helps!
Yep, I just wash early on a day when I'm not going outside. That way, my hair is dry or almost dry by the next day.