
New Member
I have been letting my hair air dry for the past two months. I use profectiv breakfree, SURGE, WGO and Keracare leave-in after I wash my hair. I am finding that my hair has been incresingly taking a lot longer to air dry. Last night I washed it and went to bed and woke up this morning and it was STILL damp. Why could my hair now be taking longer to air dry? It is annoying to me. My two conclusions are:

1. I read somewhere on here that your hair is healthy when it takes a long time to dry. This means that your hair has moisture in it and the less moisture you have in your hair the quicker it dries

2. Could it be the oils I'm putting in? Like I'm coating my hair with oil so it is taking longer to dry then because the air has to go through the oils first?

What do you ladies think? Is this happenng to anyone else?
Wolftrap, I've noticed that the more I put on my hair the longer it takes to dry. I think the products especially those with oil coat the hair like you said and air can't penetrate quite as well. But the healthy moisturized hair theory is a new for me, and makes sense. Now when I hair dry I just add a little leave-in and a moisturizer and usually I'm good to go in a few hours. HTH!
Mine definately takes longer and I use Infusium23, coconut/olive oil, hair polish. It must have something to do with healthier hair. My hair before used to take a couple of hours less. I know if you use a lot of leave-in it takes a lot longer. When I do a wash & go (leave it out) it takes ~5 to dry and when it do flat twists for a twist out it takes ~8.
Mine definately takes longer and I use Infusium23, coconut/olive oil, hair polish. It must have something to do with healthier hair. My hair before used to take a couple of hours less. I know if you use a lot of leave-in it takes a lot longer. When I do a wash & go (leave it out) it takes ~5 to dry and when it do flat twists for a twist out it takes ~8.

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Maybe it is the health thing. I notice it takes my hair longer to dry under the dryer at the salon too. I used to dry in like 30 minutes but now its at least an hour and sometimes even then my ends are still damp.
Yep, I think you're right. I also washed my hair and went to bed a few hours later only to find that my hair was still damp! Very frustrating, but I thought I had braided my hair too tight. /images/graemlins/whyme.gif So Wednesday night I let it air dry and it start to curl up nicely but after 4 hours it was still VERY wet so I panicked and blow dryed it! Hang in there. At least we know we have healthy hair! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Yep, I think you're right. I also washed my hair and went to bed a few hours later only to find that my hair was still damp! Very frustrating, but I thought I had braided my hair too tight. /images/graemlins/whyme.gif So Wednesday night I let it air dry and it start to curl up nicely but after 4 hours it was still VERY wet so I panicked and blow dryed it! Hang in there. At least we know we have healthy hair! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif

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I hope the healthy hair theory is the reason cuz this is frustrating. I let mine air dry loose. No braids or anything and it is still taking forever to dry
Actually it's the other way around, Wolftrap. It takes the hair longer to dry when it's damaged because the hair is more porous so it absorbs more water than it should.

Your "problem" is most likely additional length (not such a bad thing /images/graemlins/wink.gif ) and product choices.
Actually it's the other way around, Wolftrap. It takes the hair longer to dry when it's damaged because the hair is more porous so it absorbs more water than it should.

Your "problem" is most likely additional length (not such a bad thing /images/graemlins/wink.gif ) and product choices.

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Really? It made more sense the other way. Especially because I know my hair was not healthy before and it was air drying in less than a half hour. I think it is just the oils in my hair then.
I noticed that with my hair too. I hope your theory is correct. I was chalking it up to the fact that I have much more hair on my head than I used to but I knew that couldn't be all there was to it!!
the longer/thicker your hair is, the longer it'll take to dry...also if it's full of products...
Actually it's the other way around, Wolftrap. It takes the hair longer to dry when it's damaged because the hair is more porous so it absorbs more water than it should.

Your "problem" is most likely additional length (not such a bad thing /images/graemlins/wink.gif ) and product choices.

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Really? It made more sense the other way. Especially because I know my hair was not healthy before and it was air drying in less than a half hour. I think it is just the oils in my hair then.

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Nope. I'm sure. Hair that is healthy resists absorption of too much moisture. That's why damaged hair frizzes easier than non-damaged hair. Healthy hair retains a normal amount of moisture. Damaged hair, because it lacks moisture naturally, overcompensates by holdiing onto any moisture it DOES encounter (from washing,from humidity) for dear life. It overabsorbs any liquid it comes into contact with. When people say that they apply moistutrizer and their hair "drinks it right up" - it's because it's very damaged.

It sounds like your problem is product oriented.
My hair is short and fine, and it takes about two hours for it to completely air dry.

The only product I use for air drying is Pantene Pro-V Instant Defense Heat Protector Spray Leave In, and occasionally, Carol's Daughter Healthy Hair Butter on the ends.

My hair drinks up anything it has always been like that /images/graemlins/frown.gif I go through mango butter like its water.
I've been thinking myself and I'm still not sure what it could be. I've had the same problem. My hair would take much longer to dry, like 10+ hrs, and to me that was ridiculous. It could be 1 of 2 things: because my hair has gotten longer, or that some of my hair is damaged from constant stretching from combs and brushes and securing with scrunci's. Or, it could be both. Hope you figure it out /images/graemlins/smile.gif
When I get out the shower, if I don't Surge immediately and/or add my conditioner, my hair will be dry in about 30 minutes. Sometimes, I am just in my towel, minding my business, trying to do something before I start on my hair, and bam! Before I know it, it's almost fully dried, and I have to re-wet it. With my products added, my hair stays wet almost all day. So, it's probably the products. Oh, and obviously, the further away you get from your last relaxer, the more time it will take to dry.
I personally won't put on Jojoba oil when it is wet as it tends to stay on top of my hair. Jojoba is technically a liquid wax, so it doesn't penetrate for me like other oils.

I don't know what you use, but maybe check the ingredients to see which coat and which penetrate. /images/graemlins/band2.gif