Air drying destroys my ends? What can I do differently?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, I'm looking for a new way to dry my hair. I know there are a million air-drying posts already but I haven't found one with my unique situation yet.

I have high porosity hair. When I finish washing, I t-shirt dry until my hair is 70-80% dry. Sometimes I let my hair hang, other times I leave it in the shirt until I'm ready to detangle. At this point, my ends look frizzy but still in tact. I think my strands are really hurt by the evaporation process. I apply a spray leave in and then a creamy leave in, then I use my seamless comb to detangle in sections. As soon as I comb, my ends look atrocious. I know it's not my wash/air drying products because my hair feels nice. I also trimmed bluntly a few days before my wash. I think I am most prone to splits and damaged ends when I air dry because I lose a lot of moisture when the water evaporates. What can I do differently? I've thought about rollersetting, but I would have to detangle on wet hair, which is an absolute no on my highly porous strands (this just leads to breakage and more tangles!)

ETA: I've tried other methods like braiding or tying my ends down with a scarf while damp, but as soon as the water/moisture evaporates, my ends look horrible again! (And yes, I have tried using Porosity Control)
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What about moisturzing and sealing your ends with something heavy while wet?

Hopefully some of the other ladies will chime in.
Hi ladies, I'm looking for a new way to dry my hair. I know there are a million air-drying posts already but I haven't found one with my unique situation yet.

I have high porosity hair. When I finish washing, I t-shirt dry until my hair is 70-80% dry. Sometimes I let my hair hang, other times I leave it in the shirt until I'm ready to detangle. At this point, my ends look frizzy but still in tact. I think my strands are really hurt by the evaporation process. I apply a spray leave in and then a creamy leave in, then I use my seamless comb to detangle in sections. As soon as I comb, my ends look atrocious. I know it's not my wash/air drying products because my hair feels nice. I also trimmed bluntly a few days before my wash. I think I am most prone to splits and damaged ends when I air dry because I lose a lot of moisture when the water evaporates. What can I do differently? I've thought about rollersetting, but I would have to detangle on wet hair, which is an absolute no on my highly porous strands (this just leads to breakage and more tangles!)

ETA: I've tried other methods like braiding or tying my ends down with a scarf while damp, but as soon as the water/moisture evaporates, my ends look horrible again!

I actually have the same problem and haven't figured it out yet. I know this has been talked about before but I don't know what the resolution was. I would be interested in hearing as well.
I'm not sure if this answers your question but do your ends look atrocious or are they atrocious? What I'm asking is are they just bushy, or do your ends actually split every time they are air dried.

I'm not sure how you wear your hair on a daily basis and I know a lot of people love blunt ends that hang perfectly all the time, but you might be trimming unnecessarily for the appearance of nice ends.

If they are actually splitting every time you air dry I'm afraid I don't have any advice, but if your ends are simply not meeting your aesthetic preferences every time you air dry I would suggest different ways of styling (maybe roller sets or flexi rods?) so that your ends are kind of curled away and don't bother you as much.

Sorry if I'm way off base here.
Braid your hair immediately after you wash it so the moisture will hold better. Do not comb just gently pull your strands apart and then braid it into big braids. Then you can get to it the next day and do what you normally do.

Almond Eyes
A few ideas:

1. Combing while still wet might be causing the frizz. Try combing before you wash, under running water, or with conditioner. Wait until hair is dry before combing again.

2. Heavy seal the ends with a butter or other heavy product to hold in the moisture.

3. This might not be the case, but heat can hide damaged hair (while ironically causing damage), while airdrying reveals it. If you have damage, heat will make it *look* better temporarily.

4. The ends might be drying too quickly because of porosity issues. Try tucking them underneath other areas of your hair (so they aren't in contact with the t-shirt).

5. Some protein on the ends may help. If they need protein, it may help improve moisture and porosity issues.
I know you don't like oils, but I sincerely think you need to start sealing with something. Using nothing could definitely be making the situation worst.
Hi ladies, I'm looking for a new way to dry my hair. I know there are a million air-drying posts already but I haven't found one with my unique situation yet.

I have high porosity hair. When I finish washing, I t-shirt dry until my hair is 70-80% dry. Sometimes I let my hair hang, other times I leave it in the shirt until I'm ready to detangle. At this point, my ends look frizzy but still in tact. I think my strands are really hurt by the evaporation process. I apply a spray leave in and then a creamy leave in, then I use my seamless comb to detangle in sections. As soon as I comb, my ends look atrocious. I know it's not my wash/air drying products because my hair feels nice. I also trimmed bluntly a few days before my wash. I think I am most prone to splits and damaged ends when I air dry because I lose a lot of moisture when the water evaporates. What can I do differently? I've thought about rollersetting, but I would have to detangle on wet hair, which is an absolute no on my highly porous strands (this just leads to breakage and more tangles!)

ETA: I've tried other methods like braiding or tying my ends down with a scarf while damp, but as soon as the water/moisture evaporates, my ends look horrible again! (And yes, I have tried using Porosity Control)

Since you are relaxed and have high porosity this may work for you. Take a blow dryer and masking tape down the cold shot button and blow dry on cool air. Whenever I have had the patience to blow dry on entirely cold air my hair has felt moisturized and silky, far better than when I air dry. Since your hair air dries quickly and easily, blow drying on cool might not test your patience so it can be a good option for you.

ETA: cold air also helps to seal and lay down the cuticle (as opposed to using warm air which lifts the cuticle)
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I know you don't like oils, but I sincerely think you need to start sealing with something. Using nothing could definitely be making the situation worst.

Thanks EnExitStageLeft. It's not that I'm opposed to oils, it's just that they do next to nothing for my hair. I've tried EVOO, EVCO, Castor Oil, Jamaican Black Castor Oil, Jojoba Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Corn Oil (yes corn oil lol), Proclaim Oil, Hot 6 Oil...I don't know how much money I could spend on oils until I realize that my hair does not respond to them. Most of my experiences sealing with oils have been negative, EXCEPT Coconut oil (which gave me great shine and softness), Vitamin E Oil, and Corn Oil...the rest either caused breakage from being too heavy, or just absorbed into my strands and left them dry. :perplexed I appreciate the advice though, I would use oils if I could find one that ACTUALLY sealed in moisture. (I've also tried Vaseline which was HORRID, and serums which did nothing).
Wait so there's a difference between bushy and damaged ends?

Absolutely! My hair can be very bushy on the ends, even when it's straight. But under a microscope, I'm sure the ends of my hair are just as strong as the length. Curly afro hair can be so elusive.
What about moisturzing and sealing your ends with something heavy while wet? Hopefully some of the other ladies will chime in.

This is exactly what I do ^^^

I seal my entire relaxed strands with a light oil (sunflower - while wet) then seal my ends with a butter (HH carrot cake).
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Have you ever tried a butter? I know that may sound weird, but as a religious butter user can say that its pretty awesome. I am too high porosity, so know your pain :yep:

Example Regimen:

Clarify and Chelate (Chelated Shampoos are my preference)
Do a protein treatment and focus the majority of it on your ends.
Follow with a Moisturizing DC (w/ heat) and focus a good amount on the ends
Apply a moisturizing Leave In
Seal with a butter ONLY on the ends
Air Dry
Reapply a tad bit more butter and bun

When I was suffering with brittle ends this regi saved my hair. Also have you ever considered applying a pH Balancer to the hair before your leave in (ACV, Cold Aloe Juice, etc.). I use ACV religiously and my hair has never felt better. I have heard good things about cold AVJ though.
Hi ladies, I'm looking for a new way to dry my hair. I know there are a million air-drying posts already but I haven't found one with my unique situation yet.

I have high porosity hair. When I finish washing, I t-shirt dry until my hair is 70-80% dry. Sometimes I let my hair hang, other times I leave it in the shirt until I'm ready to detangle. At this point, my ends look frizzy but still in tact. I think my strands are really hurt by the evaporation process. I apply a spray leave in and then a creamy leave in, then I use my seamless comb to detangle in sections. As soon as I comb, my ends look atrocious. I know it's not my wash/air drying products because my hair feels nice. I also trimmed bluntly a few days before my wash. I think I am most prone to splits and damaged ends when I air dry because I lose a lot of moisture when the water evaporates. What can I do differently? I've thought about rollersetting, but I would have to detangle on wet hair, which is an absolute no on my highly porous strands (this just leads to breakage and more tangles!)

ETA: I've tried other methods like braiding or tying my ends down with a scarf while damp, but as soon as the water/moisture evaporates, my ends look horrible again! (And yes, I have tried using Porosity Control)

Since you are high porosity, you would benefit from closing the cuticles after deep conditioning like with an ACV rinse or something acidic, then sealing your moisturizer with a butter or heavy oil. Its not that the hair breaking, more like drying out because it is not being properly protected.
spellinto Have you ever tried a butter? I know that may sound weird, but as a religious butter user can say that its pretty awesome. I am too high porosity, so know your pain :yep: Example Regimen: Clarify and Chelate (Chelated Shampoos are my preference) Do a protein treatment and focus the majority of it on your ends. Follow with a Moisturizing DC (w/ heat) and focus a good amount on the ends Apply a moisturizing Leave In Seal with a butter ONLY on the ends Air Dry Reapply a tad bit more butter and bun When I was suffering with brittle ends this regi saved my hair. Also have you ever considered applying a pH Balancer to the hair before your leave in (ACV, Cold Aloe Juice, etc.). I use ACV religiously and my hair has never felt better. I have heard good things about cold AVJ though.

Don't know why I'm competing with the queen of HP hair, but since my niece has HP I be taking notes and be helping a kiddie out :yep:

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I love avocado butter on my ends and roots. :lick: It adds weight, softness and smoothness. I feel a butter is better for heavy sealing.

To add moisture, try lightly spritzing with water, smoothing it in (hair should feel moist but not wet), and then adding your sealant.

As far as the oils you have- I also love EVCO, and I seal with this plus a few drops of castor (a heavy oil that adds softness - too much = greasy). Most oils don't work for me either, but the ones that do work wonders.

Thanks @EnExitStageLeft. It's not that I'm opposed to oils, it's just that they do next to nothing for my hair. I've tried EVOO, EVCO, Castor Oil, Jamaican Black Castor Oil, Jojoba Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Corn Oil (yes corn oil lol), Proclaim Oil, Hot 6 Oil...I don't know how much money I could spend on oils until I realize that my hair does not respond to them. Most of my experiences sealing with oils have been negative, EXCEPT Coconut oil (which gave me great shine and softness), Vitamin E Oil, and Corn Oil...the rest either caused breakage from being too heavy, or just absorbed into my strands and left them dry. :perplexed I appreciate the advice though, I would use oils if I could find one that ACTUALLY sealed in moisture. (I've also tried Vaseline which was HORRID, and serums which did nothing).
I have bushy ends when I am approaching protein overload. It's the first sign for me. I watch my ends closely. A couple of co-washes, creamy moisturizer, oil sealing (sunflower oil) and air drying (I only air dry) with the ends held smooth under my satin scarf fixes the issue almost immediately.
Thanks EnExitStageLeft. It's not that I'm opposed to oils, it's just that they do next to nothing for my hair. I've tried EVOO, EVCO, Castor Oil, Jamaican Black Castor Oil, Jojoba Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Vitamin E Oil, Corn Oil (yes corn oil lol), Proclaim Oil, Hot 6 Oil...I don't know how much money I could spend on oils until I realize that my hair does not respond to them. Most of my experiences sealing with oils have been negative, EXCEPT Coconut oil (which gave me great shine and softness), Vitamin E Oil, and Corn Oil...the rest either caused breakage from being too heavy, or just absorbed into my strands and left them dry. :perplexed I appreciate the advice though, I would use oils if I could find one that ACTUALLY sealed in moisture. (I've also tried Vaseline which was HORRID, and serums which did nothing).

What about Safflower, Sunflower, Wheat Germ, Rice Bran or even Grapeseed. None of the oils you are using are really ceramics (since you air dry) and I have noticed these oils even act differently on hair.
What about Safflower, Sunflower, Wheat Germ, Rice Bran or even Grapeseed. None of the oils you are using are really ceramics (since you air dry) and I have noticed these oils even act differently on hair.

Saludable84: I used grapeseed and safflower for months during a few of my earlier stretches. They made my hair feel nice--grapeseed being the better of the two--but again, they just absorbed into my hair and had no sealing effect whatsoever. I just forgot to list them on the already long list of oils I've tried. I really cannot persuaded into buying any more oils at this point. I'm not sure if anyone believes me (I keep seeing more oil suggestions being pushed) but oils really do not seal moisture into my hair. Thank you for your advice though, it is appreciated!
I had this problem years ago when I was relaxed. I found that using silicone serum helped ALOT.

Oh and castor oil on wet hair (just the ends)
Saludable84: I used grapeseed and safflower for months during a few of my earlier stretches. They made my hair feel nice--grapeseed being the better of the two--but again, they just absorbed into my hair and had no sealing effect whatsoever. I just forgot to list them on the already long list of oils I've tried. I really cannot persuaded into buying any more oils at this point. I'm not sure if anyone believes me (I keep seeing more oil suggestions being pushed) but oils really do not seal moisture into my hair. Thank you for your advice though, it is appreciated!
spellinto, There was an article on beautybrains maybe... a study showed that air-drying hair degrades the CMC (lipid) layer of the strand. That could cause bushiness at the ends. I'm hi-po as well and I'd recommend inserting some ceramides into your regimen. Nadege over at Relaxed Hair Health has a lot of good things to say about them.

You could try conditioners and/ or leave-in's that contain ceramides. I'm currently loving Loreal Advanced Total Repair.


Oh, and I don't use oils either. :duck: :lol:
Honey Bee: OK, I will try ceramides in another form. I tried the LOreal Total Repair 5 Conditioner and I was not a fan :nono: but I did like the DC, I noticed a significant difference in the way my hair dried (less clumps, more separated and soft strands). It didn't give me enough slip though. I may try the Silicon Mix but I could see mineral oil as the second ingredient being a problem over time.

Since you have hi-po hair, what is your regimen? Also, how do you airdry?
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Have you ever tried a butter? I know that may sound weird, but as a religious butter user can say that its pretty awesome. I am too high porosity, so know your pain :yep:

Example Regimen:

Clarify and Chelate (Chelated Shampoos are my preference)
Do a protein treatment and focus the majority of it on your ends.
Follow with a Moisturizing DC (w/ heat) and focus a good amount on the ends
Apply a moisturizing Leave In
Seal with a butter ONLY on the ends
Air Dry
Reapply a tad bit more butter and bun

When I was suffering with brittle ends this regi saved my hair. Also have you ever considered applying a pH Balancer to the hair before your leave in (ACV, Cold Aloe Juice, etc.). I use ACV religiously and my hair has never felt better. I have heard good things about cold AVJ though.

EnExitStageLeft: A butter is the one sealant I haven't tried yet, so I will give that a go! Thank you for the advice (and for empathizing with my hi-po struggles lol). Would a whipped butter work? I see them all the time on Etsy and I'm tempted :lick:

(I've tried ACV before but nothing really happened. Most natural products don't do much for me. I also turned to Porosity Control with no real luck. Haven't tried AVJ yet though)
@Honey Bee: OK, I will try ceramides in another form. I tried the LOreal Total Repair 5 Conditioner and I was not a fan :nono: but I did like the DC, I noticed a significant difference in the way my hair dried (less clumps, more separated and soft strands). It didn't give me enough slip though. I may try the Silicon Mix but I could see mineral oil as the second ingredient being a problem over time.
Hmmm, how did you use it? I never use any conditioner as a stand-alone. :look: I mix up eeee'rythang. :lol: I use it by mixing a generous amount into my dc's. I have the dc too, I just haven't used it yet. The whole line is good though, all those amino acids. :lick:

Silicon Mix is good too. Dominican products in general, I find to be good. They use so much heat that I guess they were forced to figure out how to do it in a healthy way. A lot of their products, especially leave-in's, contain ceramides.

Since you have hi-po hair, what is your regimen? Also, how do you airdry?
@spellinto, I'm currently on a 5-6 month stretch, so my reggie has been amended to reflect that. I'm shampooing instead of co-washing, once a week instead of twice, blow-drying on cool instead of air-drying, etc. I'm texlaxed and I leave quite a bit of texture so air-drying never results in "straight" hair for me.

My current regimen is

1. pre-poo with a moisturizing (cheapie) conditioner (of which I have a ton due to my CVS addiction :look:)

2. shampoo. I don't dilute it or look for sulphate-free or anything. I use to many 'cones to play games. I just try to make sure it's moisturizing.

3. dc. I mix up whatever I think my hair needs. One week, it might be all moisture and a capful of Neutral Protein Filler. When I plan to use heat, it's moisture plus a smoothing cond and Nexxus Pro-mend (for the split end repair). After a touch-up, it might be moisture, some Aphogee 2 min, and a volumizing cond.

My normal air-dry routine is to slather Wen on my edges and tie them down. My hair doesn't like wet detangling, so I spray some Zoto's Porosity Equalizer and seal with a heavy serum (concentrating on my ends) then lightly finger-comb. When it's about half-dry, another layer of serum (maybe a lighter one), finger comb and smooth with my hands. Once it's mostly (70-80%) dry, I detangle by section (with combs, finally, lol) and re-wet using the same products (LOC). This whole time, my hair is just hanging straight... ish. :rolleyes: If I want curls, I let it dry until damp (about 50%) and then add flexis. If I want it slightly straighter, bigger flexis.

I also use seamless combs which I think have been helpful. I feel like regular ones were just shredding my hair cuz I was no-heat for years and still somehow ended up with 'tree splits'. Disgusting. :ohwell:

Anyway, hth and gl!

eta: Looking back at @EnExitStageLeft's last response, I just wanted to mention that I, personally, am very afraid of ACV rinses/l-i's/etc. There's just too much room for error from what I've read. This is why I use Zoto's Porosity Control leave-in and, occasionally, French Perm Stabilizer. I'm not commenting on whether ACV works, just saying.
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spellinto I am natural and I airdry as well. I do not dry with a tshirt. I find that the cotton makes my hair frizzy as it pulls the moisture out. I wrap my hair in a satin pillowcase and I have much less frizz.
Maybe it's the air drying technique that's the problem? I had a problem with frizzy ends after air drying, and I found that if I applied a light, water-based moisturizer sealed with a light oil on 60% dried hair (no combing), then wrapped my ends in a bun to dry overnight, I would end up with soft, silky ends in the morning, even after I took my hair down to detangle and comb out. Even deep into a stretch, the process worked well If I took the time and care to "redampen" my roots with a light coating of the moisturizer and oil (with a final touch of serum) before I detangled. Good luck in finding a method that works for you. :yep:
I'm relaxed and I air dry then I blow dry my hair to smooth it out. Low heat and no comb. I find that when I air dry, I get more breakage.

Hi-Po hair can be a nightmare :lol:. I have seen overtime that those who don't prefer ACv tend to go or cool AVJ, from a Hi-po standpoint.

Also, a whipped shea butter mix will most definitely work. Beamodel has great butter recs for wet heavy sealing. I've only been doing it for 4 or 5 months, but she's been doing it a whileeeeee. She can definitely be a great help.