Air Drying Desire


Active Member
I have relaxed hair however I notice when airdrying with one leave in conditioner (as I would for blowdrying/flatironing) with an oil, I notice that my hair appears very dry, feels dry and obviously not a straight.
Am I simply one of those gals who needs heat to straighten and retain moisture?
I don't think you necessarily need heat for that. The problem might be your leave in conditioner or the way you air dry. Also, I'm relaxed and I always air dry my hair; its slightly wavy (very big loose waves) but it is straight once I put moisturizer on. I find that I need to use a moisturizer after I air dry even with leave in conditioner. If I don't my hair will be slightly too dry for my liking.
I cant let my hair air dry for some reason either, it gets hard and doesnt feel soft at all.
I air dried it tonight and it was harder than usual, but then again I didnt do my normal reggie since I am at my parents house and I dont have access to all my products...

But normally I just,
wrap it while its still damp (after putting all my products in) and then in the morning it is using dry and straight with no real frizz. I just flat iron the poofyness out.
Well are you airdrying after a deep condition? Cowash? What leave in are you using? All of those variables will affect how your hair drys.
dry your hair with a tee-shirt instead of a towel
leave-in and a serum or a little bit of oil
detangle with hands and smooth hair going downward. do this throughout the drying process.

use a scarf to flatten and smooth your crown and edges. allow the rest of your hair to flow in the back and continue to smooth until completely dry.

or you can blow dry your hair on cool.

the key is to smoothing your hair all the way to the ends and using some type of serum, cream or oil on the ends to keep them from drying.