air dry mehods


Well-Known Member
hey u guys what are some diffrent ways that i would be able to air dry my hair besideds roller setting..... i usually go to the dominican stylists and i would like to be able to wash my own hair but i love the way my hair feels when they do it....

what are some of your methods?
wash ur hair like u normally would put in a leave in conditioner then an oil over ur hail comb hair all back with a comb and secure firmly wth a silk/satin scrunchie. put a scarf over that and let dry.
After my leave in, I'll gather the hair then braid, twist, make a bun (with or without a pony) or just leave it hanging out
. I love variety
I'm like Peachtree with the variety. But the majority of the time, I just air dry straight down. After it's dry, sometimes I roll my hair after misting it with a silicone shining spray. It doesn't even look air-dried after I do this.
SG, what kind of rollers do you use after it dries? The magnetic ones?? And how do you get it to air-dry straight? Do you comb it as it dries?? If I don't comb mine, it dries wavy/curly!!
Yes, I use the magnetic rollers. I usually don't have a problem with my hair air-drying straight. You seem to have lots of curl left in your hair so that may be why it air-dries curly.
i tried the pony tail air dry method b4 and my hair came out strait in the pulled back portion but the ponytail itself came out terrible ....frizzy like....thats y i returned back to the roller sets with the dominican stylists, but i would like to do wash my own hair because u r the only one who will put the most love into ur hair....
i will try the pony method again.....i will give it a try,,,,,
I also do the ponytail method - while transitioning and when I was relaxed. Do you put any oil or anything on the ponytail portion to keep it from drying frizzy?
it was a while ago , but if i remember correctly i think i put some oil on the ends but it still came out frizzy....

i remember i did , but i am gonna try again for my next wash , and post the rsults, i will put some shea butter on my ends, even though it is heavy but it keeps my ends sleek and i will be keeping it up for the bun challenge anyways..
I tend to get mixed results with my wet ponytails when they dry. Sometimes it is str8 sometimes frizzy. I think mainly because of what I do to the ends.
I used to do the ponytail method. My problem with it is that it took my hair soooooooooo much longer to dry that way. I just couldn't hang
I usually take a comb and comp throught the length of the ponytail several times during the drying period this helps keep the hair straight. Also when my hair is about 80% dry I take the ponytail down and comb through my hiar a couple more times to get it straight.
When I was relaxed, I'd do the ponytail and let it dry as much as I could. Then, I'd finally take it down and let my hair finish drying hanging down b/c otherwise, the inside would still be pretty wet.
I tend to let it dry most of the way straight down, and then I'll put it up in a bun or braid it. If I put it up first to dry it just takes soooo long. I don't really like my hair wet all the time