
New Member
You guys don't know how happy I am right now. My hair actually did what I wanted it to do.... At school people were double taking saying she got hair?? l0l....I was justa cheesing:D and the girls were like your hairs so pretty or cute ect....even the white girls and boys:yay:...AHHH I feel good...It had so much body and shine to it was beautiful..One of my crazy friends kept asking me to swing my head from side to side thru out the whole school day and These boys kept calling me Oprah...I was like omgg l0l...But thank you ladies sooo much...I hope I have more good hair days to come... :grin:
Recherché.Beauty said:
You guys don't know how happy I am right now. My hair actually did what I wanted it to do.... At school people were double taking saying she got hair?? l0l....I was justa cheesing:D and the girls were like your hairs so pretty or cute ect....even the white girls and boys:yay:...AHHH I feel good...It had so much body and shine to it was beautiful..One of my crazy friends kept asking me to swing my head from side to side thru out the whole school day and These boys kept calling me Oprah...I was like omgg l0l...But thank you ladies sooo much...I hope I have more good hair days to come... :grin:

NICE! So what did you do differently? Was it the clarifying?
CONGRATS!!!! I know how ya feel girl, I have been loving my last two hair days. Don't you just love that swing and bounce at the blink of an eye. Whatever you did this time keep it up, and your results will get better and better. :yay:
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tishee said:
awesome! Good hair days are great aren't they?!?!

yes they are! And even better when you start seeing them everyday! then you know you are doing something right.