AHH! So many products but WHERE 2 START?


New Member
Where should I start? I've been reading this forum for awhile but I don't know how to start a particular regimen for growing my hair longer and stronger. First my hair is relaxed and very fine/thin. It's slighly above collarbone length. I had micro braids and kinky twists last year and my ends are still a mess. They're probably 2 inches long and too thin to comment on. I use Olive Oil shampoo, and Organics Hair Mayo for Conditioner. I hardly ever deep condition with heat because I didn't know it was a good idea to do such. I flat iron my hair once a week...but I didn't know u're supposed to use a protectant. So as u may guess I have split ends galore but I just got them cut. I just bought some KeraCare Hydrating Shampoo, Aphogee 2 Step Protein Treatment, KeraCare's Humecto Creme Conditoner, and that Cathy Howse book and I'm waiting for it all to arrive in mail probably tommorrow. BUT my question is how should I start taking better care of my hair? Where to start?
Hey I am from Jackson Mississippi. My home town! My mom relocated us to MD when I was 14 but, I always love telling people that I am a Mississippi girl!

I think you should start deep conditioning.

shampooing and deep conditioning once a week is a good place to start. If you are going to flatiron weekly, start using a nice leave-in and heat protectant and don't use heat at any other time during the week.

Keep your hair moist. I can't say do it everyday because everyone has different levels of moisture. Just make sure you don't allow you hair to get dry. Get a water based moisturizer.

I think overtime and with trial and error you will be able to find products that work for you and methods that fit.

Don't go buying a bunch of stuff, though! :drunk:
Congrats on your hair journey! It can be frustrating and a hassle at times, but once you have a regime that works--it is all gravy baby!

I would recommend as an introductory kit:

1. A sulfate free shampoo(Dax Vegetable Shampoo is good--very gentle and it is inexpensive)

2. A quality conditioner--you can skimp on the shampoo but invest in a quality moisturizing conditioner, I have heard that the Suave Humectant is as good as Nexxus Humectress, but I don't know.

3. Protein conditioner--this one there are alot of choices (Motions CPR, Aubrey GPB, African Pride) so you don't have to spend a lot of money.

4. WIDE TOOTH COMBS!! I have a k-cutter, even with relaxer hair and it is a strand saver.

5. Shower Caps and a satin wrap.
I suggest finding a leave-in moisturizer that you like. I use anything from Suave Anti-Breakage to Motions Leave-In. Then find an oil (no mineral oil) that you can use to seal the moisture in.

I just started using the often-raved-about Creme of Nature detangling shampoo in the green bottle. I like it so far.
Try clarifying once a month either with a clarifying shampoo or by adding baking soda to your conditioner or by using apple cider vinegar as a rinse.

For conditioning, I like cheapo conditioners... anything I can use a lot of at one time.

I would flat iron less but if you decide not to, definitely invest a protectant.

Happy hair growing.
you should go to the top of the page and click on the stickys thread and then click on the newcomers thread.

also got to www.fotki.com/sistaslick, click on her articles. she has lots of information about building a regimen, and what to look for in products.

Good luck!
Ok, u just got a trim so your ends should be in decent shape so now its time to focus on keeping them that way. What are u using as a daily moisturizer?

I would say a good regimen for u to start with would me once a weeks shampoo and condition with the keracare. Deep condition under the dryer with a plastic cap for 20 to 30 minutes. Then either rollerset under the dryer and wrap or air dry and flat iron, but use a heat protectant. Maybe alternate each week between the two so u are only using direct heat once every other week? Wear a silk scarf at night and/or sleep on a satin pillowcase.

To see a boost in your hair growth and health, drink lots of water and at least take a multivitamin. Massage your scalp a few minutes a day or at least once or twice a week to stimulate the scalp.

Do this for a month (start with the basics and get in the habit of that), and u can slowly tweak or add on as needed from there. I think it should definitely get u started on the right track. Not using too much heat or relaxing too often are two major things that will help with retaining growth. HTH!
Ok, u just got a trim so your ends should be in decent shape so now its time to focus on keeping them that way. What are u using as a daily moisturizer?

I would say a good regimen for u to start with would me once a weeks shampoo and condition with the keracare. Deep condition under the dryer with a plastic cap for 20 to 30 minutes. Then either rollerset under the dryer and wrap or air dry and flat iron, but use a heat protectant. Maybe alternate each week between the two so u are only using direct heat once every other week? Wear a silk scarf at night and/or sleep on a satin pillowcase.

To see a boost in your hair growth and health, drink lots of water and at least take a multivitamin. Massage your scalp a few minutes a day or at least once or twice a week to stimulate the scalp.

Do this for a month (start with the basics and get in the habit of that), and u can slowly tweak or add on as needed from there. I think it should definitely get u started on the right track. Not using too much heat or relaxing too often are two major things that will help with retaining growth. HTH!

Thanx so much to you as well as everyone else. I have that Wild Growth Hair Oil is that sufficient as a hair oil? I have a Motions Leave in Conditioner also given to me years ago but I have yet to use it. I guess I will start this week huh? I'm throwing out my flat iron until April, because I'm putting myself on a mini challenge. Another question that I have, is it safe to use Motions Wrap lotion? I see it has alcohol in it now that I read the ingredients. And what is a protein conditioner? Like the Aphogee 2 step protein treatment?
Thanx so much to you as well as everyone else. I have that Wild Growth Hair Oil is that sufficient as a hair oil? I have a Motions Leave in Conditioner also given to me years ago but I have yet to use it. I guess I will start this week huh? I'm throwing out my flat iron until April, because I'm putting myself on a mini challenge. Another question that I have, is it safe to use Motions Wrap lotion? I see it has alcohol in it now that I read the ingredients. And what is a protein conditioner? Like the Aphogee 2 step protein treatment?

aphogee 2 minute is a mild protein conditioner.

a moderate one would be motions CPR, or ORS hair mayo

a heavy one would be aphogee treatment for damaged hair and Emergencee.

you should use a moisturizing deep conditioner after wards because protien treatmenst cane make the hair hard and dry, ven though they are good for strengthening the hair.
Thanx so much to you as well as everyone else. I have that Wild Growth Hair Oil is that sufficient as a hair oil? I have a Motions Leave in Conditioner also given to me years ago but I have yet to use it. I guess I will start this week huh? I'm throwing out my flat iron until April, because I'm putting myself on a mini challenge. Another question that I have, is it safe to use Motions Wrap lotion? I see it has alcohol in it now that I read the ingredients. And what is a protein conditioner? Like the Aphogee 2 step protein treatment?

Youre welcome! Wild growth oil is a really good oil and that will work great. Its thick so just remember a little goes a long way with WGO. Go ahead and use the motions leave in, and when u use it up then u can experiment with a different one (I love giovanni direct and lacio lacio, as well as africas best hair mayo leave in). If you are gonna use the wrap lotion, thats fine for rollersetting or whatever, just dont use too much...a few pumps should do it or it will make your hair hard/stiff. I used to use it.

A protein conditioner is good for preventing or treating breakage. You only need a strong one if your hair is very weak and breaking. Some peoples hair (mine included) is sensitive to protein so using it too often will make your hair worse and not better. Believe me, u will know if ur hair is breaking enough to need a protein treatment. I would always try deep moisturizing treatments before I try protein.
Where should I start? I've been reading this forum for awhile but I don't know how to start a particular regimen for growing my hair longer and stronger. First my hair is relaxed and very fine/thin. It's slighly above collarbone length. I had micro braids and kinky twists last year and my ends are still a mess. They're probably 2 inches long and too thin to comment on. I use Olive Oil shampoo, and Organics Hair Mayo for Conditioner. I hardly ever deep condition with heat because I didn't know it was a good idea to do such. I flat iron my hair once a week...but I didn't know u're supposed to use a protectant. So as u may guess I have split ends galore but I just got them cut. I just bought some KeraCare Hydrating Shampoo, Aphogee 2 Step Protein Treatment, KeraCare's Humecto Creme Conditoner, and that Cathy Howse book and I'm waiting for it all to arrive in mail probably tommorrow. BUT my question is how should I start taking better care of my hair? Where to start?

Welcome! How did you find the site? ( I always wonder that---its so amazing how we come to this site and just start on our way)

Anyway, keep it as simple as you can. Just find what works for you---you want moisturizng products that leave your hair soft, not crunchy or stiff or hard, protein treatments that stop breakage for you ect. You also want to determine if your hair needs as much moisture as possible and little protein, if it needs a mixture or what. If your hair only reacts positive to certain things, then you want to make sure you look at the ingredients in the product and stick with things of the same nature.

Products for Weekly Use can include
1. Shampoo
2. Moisturizing Conditoner
3. Light Protien
4. Daily Moisturizer
5. Oil
6. Pomade/Gel ect. for edges
7. Optional styling products--like setting lotion, leavein conditoner (some people use their regular moisturizer and dont use a leavein, some people only use their leavein after washing, others only use a leave-in for a daily moisturizer) Oil sheens, Serums ect.
8. Heat protectant
9. Hair rinses/Cuticle closers

Products you can use whenever/if ever you feel they are needed
1. Clarifyer
2. Hard protein treatment
3. Porosity treatment

Things you might want to do on schedule
1. Relaxer
2. Trim
3. Color

Thanx for the tutorials!! I found the wone by DSD yesterday and I've been busy reading ever since!

Locabouthair thanx!! I didn't know ORS hair mayo was a protein treatment!? I already have that. That's what I was using to condition with every week...well actually two weeks when I was washin' my hair, but I think I'ma switch up and wash it every week now.

I feel like a :newbie: but I am so...I'm likin this long journey. I'll prolly add pics by this weekend.
Welcome! How did you find the site? ( I always wonder that---its so amazing how we come to this site and just start on our way)
Me and some friends of mine were talkin about how our hair was long when our moms did our hair. :drunk: When I started doing my own hair all of our hair fell out. I'm a Biology major so I started lookin up why doesn't African American hair grow. I guess I was wrong huh?! It does grow, but a regimen is needed that I still haven't mastered lol.:rolleyes: I google African hair growth, and I was gonna buy all of Cathy's Howse's products because I was desperate to have pretty hair, but her site looks outdated, old, and she constantly downs everyone else without giving the reason why other than why you should buy her book and products. I bought her book though, and in google I came across LHCF and became an instant stalker! W00t w00t! :grin:
First off...




By joining LHCF, you've already taken the first crucial step on the fast track to gorgeous, shiny, healthy, looooong hair. I just joined in October (or was it November?, anywhoo) and I've already seen a signifigant difference in my hairs texture and strength. I've also seen a 50% reduction in hair breakage and dryness. So here are the few things that have really helped me, and my newbie, can't fail reggie:

-Deep Conditioning is perhaps the single most important thing I've don't for my hair; it revitalizes it and restores all that lost moisture.
-Finding a good protein/moisture balance is essential to prevent damage; protein is great, but too much of a good thing turns sour very quickly.
-Heat isn't the devil (although you msy get that impression sometimes that it is), but heat in the wrong hands is, so learn how to work your blowdryer and flat iron, and a heat protectant and serum will save you a lot of heartache.
-Protect those ends!!! I'm serious, moisturize and protect those ends.
-Oils, vitamins, and waters: all these things will really help your hair grow.
-and try to get on a relax/trim schedule; I "stretch" (like stretching your relaxer) for 12 weeks, I also wait every 12 weekd between trims. But if you see some damaged ends, pull a "search and destroy" mission and get rid of those suckers!

My reggie:
+I Co-Wash (conditoner wash) every other day with Suave Humectant, with an oil rinse as a "prepoo" with EVOO or Almond oil.
+I bun it, as loosely as possible, with emphasis on moitsurizing my ends and tucking those away. Since I have really short hair right now, I wrap some fake hair around my bun to fatten it up.
+Once a week, I prepoo with a Suave/EVOO/honey mix and then I shampoo with a shampoo diluted heavily with water.
+I deep condition with a mix of ORS Replenishing pak/EVOO/Grape Seed oil/Profective Conditioner/Honey
+I broke my hooded dryer, so now I just leave the shower cap on and go running, it sounds strange, but the heat from my exercise acts just like a dryer; plus I put a beanie over the actual cap.
+Then I roller set it, flat iron it, or bun it up again
+Once a month I do a protein treatment, because my hair hates protein
+Once a month I clarify

That's it...hope it's not too much, but it's actually pretty simple, because I'm not ready to move up to what some of these long-haired ladies do yet, it's a gradual process.

HTH and HHG (Hope that helps and Happy Hair Growing:grin:)
First off...

My reggie:
+I Co-Wash (conditoner wash) every other day with Suave Humectant, with an oil rinse as a "prepoo" with EVOO or Almond oil.

+I broke my hooded dryer, so now I just leave the shower cap on and go running, it sounds strange, but the heat from my exercise acts just like a dryer; plus I put a beanie over the actual cap.

First, what is a pre poo and how do you do one?? What's a cowash? Like I knwo it's a conditioner wash but how do you kno it's fully on all of your hair if it doesn't lather up like shampoo?

And girlie runnin? Long enough for you hair to get dry? Girl you got that determination! I admire that! lool It's too cold to be tryna run around =)
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