Ahem...just wanted to say hello. Kinda newbie kinda not.


New Member
Hello. I haven't been active on the boards in a few years. Just wanted to say hello. I'm currently right at BS length. My hair is natural and I fluctuate between flat ironing and wearing it natural. I love to wrap the length of my hair in a few tails to stretch it out. Um my hair is has fine strands but a lot of them. When I was pregnant I had so much hair I was frightened. Unfortunately the post-natal shedding helped with that. I really got off the vitamin band wagon after the birth. I just (yesterday) decided that I wanted to try and get to waist length this year. No more excessive trimming.
I figure I've been stalking you all long enough and time to say hello.
I'm impressed with the board. Very nice bunch of ladies and lots of information.
Well....carry on.

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Thank you for the warm welcome.

Thank you guys :)
Yeah ichephren I can't tell you how long I've been lurking. I really went on a hiatus. Just shameful. Anyway I'm inspired in 2005 and LHCF has a lot to do with that.
I'll be posting now and again and also keeping my journal going so I can see my hits and misses.
:blush: Thanks y'all!

MsPortugal I made a committment many years ago to never post my picture on the internet. I'm sorry. I know without pics it's hard to take my word for it but it's all true. BS is not hard to get to. You're on your way there. You'll actually be there before you know it. It will surprise you. If I remember correctly you're at the length where it starts to take off until BS length. But you don't need me for inspiration. This board is full of inspiration!
Yes I'm at BS and have been at that wall for some time. I can get to that point fairly quickly but beyond is a problem (do you still call it "the wall" ?).
My sister just recently reached my length from a little below shoulders in a short (several months) amount of time. I'm in the process of digging her for what she did. She's 4b and her texture her strands are wiry. She's very into chemistry so the things she does are based on that.

Thanks again for all the warm welcomes.