AG hair products


Well-Known Member
Hi !

Has anyone ever tried any of thier products? I see them in the Dom. Salons. I asked my hairdresser about it, but she says she doesn't use it on her patrons she uses it for herself :look: . She said she will let me try it for an additional $5.

I'm looking for a new moisturizing conditioner to alternate with Elucence. I was looking at the ingredient list and it doesn't look bad at all. For some reason, I think my hair loves Elucence b/c it has no cones. My hair also loves Giovanni Direct Leave In. I don't remember seeing any cones on the ingredient list.
I just purchased and tried the AG Fast Food Leave-in. I really like it, My Dom stylist used it when she roller set my hair. My hair was soft, bouncy and smells really good :grin:
My hairdresser uses the poo, conditioner, and leave in.

See, the only I can really gauge how good a conditioner is, is to use it myself at home. Is that strange :confused: :lol: . Elucence works great for me at home, but i've always felt I could use something with more of a deep conditioning feel to it.
I use the AG Fast Foods Leave-in also and love it.

It is a staple product in a lot of Dominican Salons.
When my mother went to the dominican salon they used these products on her hair, the A/G Fast food cond. mixed w/that Hayyachi (sp?) 911 stuff and it helped grow her hair back after it all fell out when she died her hair w/Adore black rinse (it was an allergic reaction, reason why you should always do a spot test) anyway her hair did a 360 in no time.
I have been searching for this stuff online since last yr and never found it, thank you.