After Washing Hair...


Well-Known Member
I have always hated washing because it takes so long and my hair has a tendency to tangle. I've learned some things to help with that, but I am struggling with the after wash. My hair tends to tangle up after I wash it, even if I put it in a twist.

Fyi, I am a bunner, and that is my everyday hairstyle

What can I do to help with this?
Are you removing the shed hairs before you wash? That is the only reason I can imagine it would tangle if you wash in twist.

Before you wash you may want to detangle with conditioner or do a prepoo.
when i bun, i usually twist the ends of my pony and cover it up with a faux bun. that might help to keep the ends stretched and free of tangles
What exactly are you doing when you wash it

I wash in sections usually, either two sections or four. I use a shampoo bar and wash my roots. Then I use conditioner and rinse most of it out. I might use a comb as water is flowing under the shower. Finally I do about four twists and get out of the shower.

Are you removing the shed hairs before you wash? That is the only reason I can imagine it would tangle if you wash in twist.

Before you wash you may want to detangle with conditioner or do a prepoo.

I do twists after I wash.

Isn't detangling with a conditioner before washing the same thing as a prepoo?

But I never prepoo because it seems like I would adding more gunk to my hair...
How bout braiding it. Try 4-6 braids. If you still get tangles then try washing your braided hair in one of those stretchy net weave caps.
I pre-poo with oil...either olive or coconut and tangles just melt out during the wash. Perhaps you could try it? Also sounds like you need to do some serious detangling before washing.
I wash in sections usually, either two sections or four. I use a shampoo bar and wash my roots. Then I use conditioner and rinse most of it out. I might use a comb as water is flowing under the shower. Finally I do about four twists and get out of the shower.

I do twists after I wash.

Isn't detangling with a conditioner before washing the same thing as a prepoo?

But I never prepoo because it seems like I would adding more gunk to my hair...

So at what stage are you detangling? Removing shed hair? Missing that part.

Maybe some considering detangling with conditioner prepooing. When I mention it, I mean applying AVG + oil to the hair and letting it sit under a plastic cap or heat cap to soften the hair a bit. This would help with detangling.
So at what stage are you detangling? Removing shed hair? Missing that part.

Maybe some considering detangling with conditioner prepooing. When I mention it, I mean applying AVG + oil to the hair and letting it sit under a plastic cap or heat cap to soften the hair a bit. This would help with detangling.

That sounds like it will do a lot of good. I detangle while washing my hair in the shower, usually in the conditioning stage when I run a comb through it as I let the shower help.

What is AVG? Do you usually prepoo on dry hair or should you wet it first?
That sounds like it will do a lot of good. I detangle while washing my hair in the shower, usually in the conditioning stage when I run a comb through it as I let the shower help.

What is AVG? Do you usually prepoo on dry hair or should you wet it first?

AVG is Aloe Vera Gel. You apply it to dry hair. Some people have done it with just an oil and then sat under a heat cap.

You may want to detangle or least try to remove some shed hair before you wash. Some people are fine doing it at a later stage. But I have to get the shed hair out before any type of shampoo or washing product hits my hair. Otherwise, the shed hairs wrap around the other hair.

Even if you just finger detangle the sections first before you wash, it should be better than waiting until after.
I agree, detangle before washing. I have found that I have way less tangles, if any at all, when I pre-poo (aloe vera juice, castor oil & coconut oil) and detangle before washing my hair.
I understand OP your issues with tangling. Right now, I am on an unintended relaxer stretch (while I consider transitioning).

The tangles really have me wanting to give up and get a relaxer. If I was to bc, I am not ready now. I would need to have more new growth length to feel comfortable bc'ing.

Back to the tangles. I have tried everything. Washing in braided sections, hot oil treatments. I tried the Aussie Moist that I hear so many raving about. THat was a fail. I get better results from Suave's coconut conditioner. I also comb my hair prior to shampooing.

I am going to try and explain my tangles. I use a shower comb with leave in conditioner. I recently started mixing my Chi Silk Infusion w/ my leave in's.

Basically I am able to detangle with the shower comb (with much effort). But, it is the tangles between the strands, that kind of resembles a spider web? Does that make sense? The only way to get at those tangles is with a fine tooth comb. But, as soon as I get through a section and go onto another section it is tangled again. And, that is with me either twisting/clipping off the sections as I proceed.

I only have this issue when it is time for a relaxer. I am going on six months right now. I recall someone explaining it that the new growth is causing the relaxed hair to coil back up in tangles.
Have you tried changing the shampoo you are using. I've noticed that some products tangle my hair and some do not. Also using 4 braids to wash in sections may help, as well as, pre pooing with a small amount of conditioner to prepare for cleansing the hair.
I agree, detangling before washing is a must for me too. When the new growth is thicker I need to start using a spray detangler and olive oil on my roots more often. I like FX Special Effects Tangle Out Instant Conditioning Silk Detangler. It's less than $5. Sadly, it looks like it's getting harder to find.