After two year of lurking,I finally subscribed!


New Member
Hello my name is africanqueen.Umm I have been lurking here since March 2008.I was 16 when I got the 2nd bald patch I ever recieved in my life...I was going through a depression and didnt really have anyone to talk to...So upon me finding the bald patch my whole middle of my hair fell out...It had been like that for years and I was so young. I was also getting tight braids and perming since I was 8 :perplexed. So fast forward to the winter 2008.I was googling how to grow long hair /regrow a bald spot and everyone recommended you guys! I saw all these beautiful threads of and I didnt know that we were the reason why our hair didnt "grow"....Even though I am been here for 2 year I am still shoulder length..I made apl and even passed it with the help of sew ins...But I cut about a years growth becuase I am going blunt :grin:. I am also transitioning.So thank you so much lhcf you dont know how much you have impacted me!!
Welcome!:) I wish you success on your transitioning journey! :yep: How long are you planning to transition for?