After the BIG CHOP, What should I to do?


Okay, so I just did my BC 4 days ago, on my own. I only transitioned for 4 months. I have about an 1 1/2 of hair right now. The problem is, it's extra DRY!! Is this is what normally happens after the BC. I can't get my hair to do anything. What kind of product should I use because the products I used on my relaxed hair aren't doing anything for my natural hair. Also, how long will it take for my hair to develop a pattern, I think I am 4b, but then again, I have no clue what my hair type is. Did my hair go into shock or something, why is it so hard and I know I cut off all of the relaxer but some of my ends are still sticking up. The first day was horrible, no matter what I did it was still sooooo dry, it is better now but I still have to put water in it every few hour just to keep it moist. Can someone help me with this, what am I doing wrong? What else should I be expecting after the big chop and is this normal? Thanks in advance
Hi!!! Don't become discouraged. Some have had experiences like this after a BC. It could also be scab hair. What products did you use? Did you DC with a moisturizing conditioner and for how long? Co-washing and baggying helps as well. Also please post this question in the newly natural thread. I am sure you will receive a lot of reponses. Hope this helps.
Have you tried clarifying your hair? You may have product build-up. You may want to try using a clarifying shampoo or a baking soda and water solution (maybe 1 tsp baking soda to 16 oz of water). You can follow up with a moisturizing conditioner, deep condition, moisturize with a water-based moisturizer (I like curl moisturizer). Garner gave great advice.
Have you tried clarifying your hair? You may have product build-up. You may want to try using a clarifying shampoo or a baking soda and water solution (maybe 1 tsp baking soda to 16 oz of water). You can follow up with a moisturizing conditioner, deep condition, moisturize with a water-based moisturizer (I like curl moisturizer). Garner gave great advice.
Wow, not trying to be funny but as long as you've been a mbr here this is the first time you really voiced yr opinion girl. And some sound advice at that.
I think all the ladies here have some good advice for you. Could be scab hair or not enough moisture is sticking to yr hair. But there is one thing I can tell you from reading yr dilema is some of those straggly hairs are left over relaxer. Also I washed and cond. my hair last night and used that Suave Rosemary Mint shampoo/cond. which by the way I did not care for much but I did a finger coil on my entire hair bagged overnight and when I woke up this morning I decided to use Eco Styler Olive oil gel and after I decided to oil my ends with castor oil, and let me just say my hair is so so soft and moisturized. Sometimes you have to experiment to see what products works best for yr hair. There are so many products out there natural and store brands, but you just have to keep working to see which one suits yr hair the best. One thing I would do and that is to cut the rest of the relaxed ends off tho. I hope this helps you somewhat! HHG:grin:

Oh, I forgot to mention I too have scab hair still after almost three yrs. Another excellent oil to use to combat the scab hair is Jojoba oil which I read a post from LynnB. It does help immensley!
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Wow, not trying to be funny but as long as you've been a mbr here this is the first time you really voiced yr opinion girl. And some sound advice at that.

:lol: Girl, where you been?:lol: I usually suggest clarifying when newly naturals mention that their moisturizers aren't working. That's what seemed to help when I BC'd. I'm usually hanging out in the natural threads.:look:
Thanks Platinum and ycj1,
You both are so right about Clarifying and experimenting with products. Have to start with a clean slate prior to moisturizing. Also some products that worked well when relaxed won't work as well when natural.
MyAngelEyez~C~U...The newly natural thread definitely helps new naturals find their way.
Deep condition and moisturize a lot. Sometimes it takes some time for natural hair to find it's moisture balance after the BC.
Deep condition and moisturize a lot. Sometimes it takes some time for natural hair to find it's moisture balance after the BC.

This. ^^ My BC (see siggy) debuted a brillo pad. When our hair is tightly coiled up under a relaxer it may not have been getting all of the moisture it needed. It also may have not liked the products. You're going to have to bombard your hair with moisture for a while until it reaches it's optimal moisture level. If you were already shampooing prior to your BC, I wouldn't do a clarifying shampoo just yet.
Deep condition, and baggy every night. You won't have to moisturize all the time if you just trust me and use one product:


That's it. And as soon as you hair is long enough to look flat on one side when you get up in the morning because that's the side you slept on, you must start to plait it every night and you'll never deal with tangles.
What helped me was to deep condition then moisturize. I love Hello Hydration conditioner as a moisturizer. Shea Moisture has some good products too.
I agree with all the advice given. I bc'd to less hair then i had 1.5 of new growth, but shaved it all of into a Cesar. So it may not be scab hair. I had hairs sticking up, when it grew our it either had a different curl size or different texture. I really think your going through bc-shock. Lol. Echoing whats been said: moisture and experiment. Congrats and good luck.
When I cut the natural patch in the back of my head I noticed it was super extra dry. I put Wave Nouveau which has glycerin in it and that remedied the problem.