After removing braids/twists/sew-in weaves...


1. How long do you usually wait before relaxing?

2. What styles do you wear while waiting?

3. Do you do anything special to your hair during that waiting period? extra moisturizing? extra protein?
When I was relaxed, the last time I had braids I waited 1 week to put in the relaxer. After removing the braids, I washed and did a deep moisturizing treatment. IIRC I wore it in a bun between then and when I put in the relaxer
1. How long do you usually wait before relaxing?

2. What styles do you wear while waiting?

3. Do you do anything special to your hair during that waiting period? extra moisturizing? extra protein?

Good thread Victorious! I had been using the search function to find answers to these questions and couldn't find anything. Thanks!
I would wait a week or two. I would also DC and do a protein treatment if you need it. In between time I would either pull it back or I would go to my hairdresser and she would just make sure she got my roots with the flat iron. She wouldn't let me get a perm right away though.
1. How long do you usually wait before relaxing? I wait 1 week.

2. What styles do you wear while waiting? Usually a bun i wait to flat iron my hair this go round.

3. Do you do anything special to your hair during that waiting period? extra moisturizing? extra protein? I leave it alone I do 1 good deep condition moist and seal than style and leave it be.
I took my braids out on a Friday and relaxed on a Saturday.

I had my hair in 4 sections, and each section was plaited up.

I didn't wait because I was coming off an 18 week stretch and I was not trying to deal with 18 weeks of new growth for a week before my relaxer. My hair came out beautiful.
I usually detangle hair and prepoo, wash, and condition(protein and moisture). I usually relax maybe 2 weeks after braids depending on how long I had them in and how many weeks I am post relaxer. I wear my hair in a protective style.....pulled back in a ponytail.
I usually have to wait 2-4 weeks. After I take out my twists, I have to give my hair a break cuz it acts funny after I take it out of twists (texture, doesn't respond to products as it normally does, etc.) I don't know what the heck it needs, or what it's doing, but after a couple of protein tx's, we are >>>>here<<<< :thumbsup:

If I wait more than one month, I try to do as many henna tx (protein) as I can, as well as an Aphogee. The longer I stretch, the more protein I need to prevent tangling.
Thanks so much for your input ladies! :grin:

I think I got a plan now. (MoMo, I was searching and couldn't find anything either. I know what I used to do and it wrecked my hair. Don't want to do that again.)

I've worn this curly weave for a week now, and I'll leave it in until the end of the month (at 11wks post). I'll be sure to slather conditioner over the braids while taking them down, and then I'll wash and deep condition with the ORS conditioner. I'll do a roller set on large rollers and try my best to flat iron my new growth. I'll go back to protective styles and wait at least a week before relaxing (which would bring me to 12wks post+). Waiting two weeks would be nicer, but I'll see how it goes.

If all goes well this time, I'll see about waiting a longer time after doing my next weave at 7wks post.

(I was getting tired of protective styles and thought about wearing braidouts/twistouts while waiting, but I don't think it'll work during this winter season.)