After it is over..the guy is still talking...


Well-Known Member
To make a long story short, I dealt w/ this guy for about a couple of months. Once I realized that he was a major player, I started ignoring him & I moved on. NOW a year later, I find out that he’s told his brother, sister and close friends that I was in love w/ him and that he just wanted me for sex (yes we did). His brother and sister of course are telling their close friends and you know how it goes from here…small circle of friends. I haven't even met his relatives..any of them but of course it came back to me thru friends. I am shocked and puzzled. :perplexed

WHY in the heck would a guy you stopped dealing with talk even a year later and HE is the one who didn't want it??? :perplexed

IT irritates me because I have moved on..yet…even though HE’s the one that said he didn’t want the commitment, he is talking about me until this day…trying to make himself look good in the situation like I was the one obsessed over him. :ohwell:

I know it’s childish, so I chose not to even react and call him although I was highly upset. On the other hand, I WANT to call to let him know that I know he is it worth it?
thats just trifling but he is doing it cause he is a so called player and he's protecting his game i guess, just dont respond dont give him the satisfaction after all he has proven that he is not a man he is just a little boy dealing with puberty
When people ask you about it, tell them you decided to move on after you realized he had a small penis with a serious face.
thats just trifling but he is doing it cause he is a so called player and he's protecting his game i guess, just dont respond dont give him the satisfaction after all he has proven that he is not a man he is just a little boy dealing with puberty

I didn't mention, this BOY is 35 years old. So, not even an email..just to let is a** know that I KNOW he's talking??? I know it's wrong, but I just want payback so bad.
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I didn't mention, this BOY is 35 years old. So, not even an email..just to let is a** know that I KNOW he's talking??? I know it's wrong, but I just want payback so bad.

If you do that than he will use it against to say see I told you she was pressed.
When people ask you about it, tell them you decided to move on after you realized he had a small penis with a serious face.

Classic!!! :lachen: Let that ninja keep flapping his lips. I agree with Country gal, tell people his **** was tiny and that he was garbage in the bed.. I wouldn't email him or contact him about it...don't even feed into it. Obviously he's still thinking about you if he still talking about you a YEAR LATER.
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Classic!!! :lachen: Let that ninja keep on saying what he wants. I agree with Country gal, tell people his **** was tiny and that he was garbage in the bed. I wouldn't email him or contact him about it...don't even feed into it. Obviously he's still thinking about you if he still talking about you guys A YEAR LATER.

Thanks..btw..that's not far from the truth. :look:
Ignore it. Its obvious that he's living in the past.

Shrug it off and when someone brings him up...make a strange face...

I wouldn't say anything about him though. The key is to bring maturity into the situation. Obviously, he's immature and salty about yall not being together.

When someone brings him up, I would say,

"Please, he STILL talking about me? I dont blame him, I am rather fab" :rolleyes:

Then change the subject, immediately, unfazed.
Ignore it. Its obvious that he's living in the past.

Shrug it off and when someone brings him up...make a strange face...

I wouldn't say anything about him though. The key is to bring maturity into the situation. Obviously, he's immature and salty about yall not being together.

When someone brings him up, I would say,

"Please, he STILL talking about me? I dont blame him, I am rather fab" :rolleyes:

Then change the subject, immediately, unfazed.

You're right..I don't want to stoop to his level, he's not worth it.
It just made me upset that he would say such things and all untrue.
So which part is the lie and why are you salty?

Is the lie you were loving him or he used you for sex?
You're right..I don't want to stoop to his level, he's not worth it.
It just made me upset that he would say such things and all untrue.

I completely understand! Especially when you aint even thinking about the joker! Like "Dude! Why are you worried about me?" :wallbash:

Dont use me to make yourself seem relevant. :nono:


He is doing this b/c he has feelings for you and not only that you know the old saying

When a person is gone out of your life the other person sees they messed up!

He needs to grow up!