After braid advice needed PLEASE


Well-Known Member
I've had two sets of braids (kinky twists and yarn braids) back to back since this meltdown...:lol:

i just took out yarn braids and my hair is feeling a little fragile. I'm not sure whether to do a henna treatment with Nupur henna or do the Aphogee 2 step treatment. Afrter protective styling for so long my hair is now the longest it has ever been and i want to retain as much length as possible.

Is it ok to do one of these treatments today, right after taking down braids or should i wait? Also would one be more beneficial than the other??:perplexed
I would do an aphogee treatment as opposed to henna since henna can be so harsh and make the hair brittle for a longer period of time than Aphogee even when you follow up with a moisturizing deep treat.

I think Aphogee followed with a moiturizing deep treat should do you fine :)
I would do an aphogee treatment as opposed to henna since henna can be so harsh and make the hair brittle for a longer period of time than Aphogee even when you follow up with a moisturizing deep treat.

I think Aphogee followed with a moiturizing deep treat should do you fine :)

I agree, Henna at this moment could result in being a hit/miss situation. :afro:
With your hair being fragile I would say Aphogee because it is the lesser of the two evils

BUT have you done the 2-step before?

I only ask because hair that hasnt been DC'd in a while, which is usually the case with braids and weaves, can act up after an Aphogee treatment too. I see posters complain about hard hair.

If you have used this before and know how your hair reacts, carry on and proceed with a really moisturizing DC afterward.

If not, try your staple protein or even a milder protein like the Aphogee 2 minute keartin treatment first. And DC for a few weeks and see how your hair responds.

If you still have issues after using a mild protein THEN I would suggest Aphogee 2-step after your hair has had a little moisture TLC
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Your hair being fragile might just be a case of it being stretched out for a long time in the braids. I do concur with protein but I would start with a weaker one first as a stronger one may cause tangles. Make sure your hair is well detangled first, just wanted to add that.