After a 5 month , I decided to relax...


The Credit Countess
I was going to wait until April to relax making it six months but after being home sick for a week I was ready for a change. So I relaxed with ORS lye last night and roller set.

I under processed the first but the rest came out pretty good. I will just have to flat iron the roots in the front. It is just one small section that under processed.

I really don't think that I will go this long again. I believe that 3 months is a good time frame for me.

I will update my signature with a picture soon. My hair does seem stronger had thicker but I'm not sure about lenght and tell fully I am going to stop worrying about length and focus on health.
Can you please tell me more about the ORS lye relaxer? I'd like to transition to texlaxed in the future.
I really like it. The funny thing is that I left it on from start to finish for about 25 minutes and I'm not bone str8. It is about 85% - 90% st8.

You should try it. It didn't burn at all.