Afroveda Dosha Quiz


New Member
Does anyone actually take the quiz before beginning making purchases from Afroveda? And if so did you feel that the "Dosha type" fit you?

I took the quiz and according to it I Kapha first, Pitta second. The Kapha questions related more to me, so I would agress with that. However when I went to the Hair Collections and read the descriptions for both Kapha and Pitta I was confused. My hair fits the Pitta more than the others. I have light hair and fine strands and dull looking mostly. I wouldn't ever consider it to be lustrous.

What were your expereiences with this quiz? Or did you even care :perplexed
Don't feel like a dork!

Honestly I just bypassed the quiz and bought what looked good and what would go well with my hair type. I am an ingredient junkie, so I know what my hair likes and what interests me.
I started to take it, but that mess was waaaaaaaay too long :lol: I just bought the sample of everything and will repurchase what I think works best for me.
TY ladies. It was long, but I had some time to kill, I'm at work...hahaha. And as far as just "knowing" what ingredients my hair likes yet......well i haven't really got that down yet, so maybe I will get samples too. Thank you for your responses.
I took the quiz...actually ( to make my first purchase) and i was honestly surprised how right on it was!