Afro Puffs


New Member
Hey gals, I was just wondering, when you tie your hair in an afro puff do you use big or small hair bands? And how many times do you double it?

The reason I ask this is because I always seem to double the band as many as times as possible until I can't anymore, but this doesn't give me as big as a puff as I would like.

Do you find that you get a bigger puff if you don't double the band or only double it once or twice?

I hope this question makes sense!
I dont have a puff yet, but most of the puffs i've seen are much bigger when the band isnt tightened/doubled up.
I use one of the long combs that you wrap around your hair (from walmart). I don't use a band yet. It wraps around my hair 2-3 times.
naptrl said:
I use one of the long combs that you wrap around your hair (from walmart). I don't use a band yet. It wraps around my hair 2-3 times.
does the long comb you're talking about have a zigzag shape that you can connect and wear as a head band as well? :confused: