Africa's Best Organic No-Lye Relaxer


Well-Known Member
Africa\'s Best Organic No-Lye Relaxer

I'm thinking of taking the big plunge and relaxing my own hair. Up until thursday I didn't even know what relaxer my hairdresser was using.....when I asked her she told me she used extafi......couldn't even find information about extafi on the web....what I do know is the past two times after she has done my hair, for a couple days after my hair was matted to my head so relaxing my own hair seems like the way to go not to mention the cost saving benefits. The question is I've been reading about Africa's best organic relaxer

Has anyone had any experience with this good or bad....if so do tell.
Re: Africa\'s Best Organic No-Lye Relaxer

It's good.. It makes my hair shiny and soft for weeks. African best has 3 types I think. My strenght is SUPER. I forgot how it feels. It takes me two box to do one head because it thick and have alot of hair. It's my second retouch to it. Now I need one box for my hair getting soft. I highly reccomded it. But I don't want to give people false hope because not all product works for every one. I don't style my hair after relax a let it airdry. I think my hair was silky when it done. I do my own relaxer at home. All I can say is I love it. You can give it a try. I hope this helps.