Africa's Best Organic LIQUID Hair Mayonnaise


New Member
Africa\'s Best Organic LIQUID Hair Mayonnaise

Does anyone else use this? It's a leave-in for everyday. Good ingredients.

It's the only leave-in I can apply to my hair everyday that doesn't leave my hair oily. It literally soaks in and...vanishes.

Just wondering if anyone else has used this longterm.

Re: Africa\'s Best Organic LIQUID Hair Mayonnaise

Hi BlkMane,

I haven't tried it yet, but I'm putting it on my new list of things to try in February. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Africa\'s Best Organic LIQUID Hair Mayonnaise

Oh, I love this stuff! I can only ever find the olive oil based one (green/gold bottle) here in FL, and I haven't been back up to NY where I normally stock up on the regular one (gold/red bottle). It leaves the hair VERY soft and healthy feeling. I would use it when I did twists or cornrows and didn't want to do weekly deep conditioning treatments.