African Black Soap = DuDu???


New Member
Ok, so I have to tell you guys about my DUDU experience with african black soap. I went into an African Market the other day to pick up some shea butter and the vendor convinced me to purchase some black soap. Which I'd heard from stalking empressri's youtube videos is really good for cleansing the scalp and retaining moisture. I really did not pay much attention to the packaging (different language) until my SO picked it up and was why are you using doodoo on your head. At this statement I got really annoyed and was like..."OMG what an ignorant statement!!" His response was...if it looks like, smells like, and is shaped like, then its! So, I get all upset and start defending Africa...and anyway this went on for several minutes. So, this morning I wake up and go to try out my new black soap and I finally look at the package....which says "DUDU" osun.......and immediately I think about the conversation w/my SO. So I'm like...:scratchch"ok I'm not going to be ignorant...I mean its an African word, it doesn't mean doo doo:yep:! Just open the package, I take a smells decent so I go ahead and open the package:perplexed. You guys it looks just like poo!!! Ughhhhh!!! I just couldnt do it!! I couldnt use it this morning...the conversation was too fresh in my mind from the day before. I was like I have to find out first just to ease my mind about what's in the "poo" bar:lachen:. So, I did and I've posted the article I found below. Just in case anyone else has an ignorant moment like me when you pick up your first bar of African Soap. HHG Ladies!!!

African Black Soap

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That is a funny story. I love this soap. I purchase it and my shea butter from the African store up the street, but I got tired of it leaving black/brown soap residue on my sink, so now I buy the Dudu Osun liquid black soap.
Here is the African Black Soap I use. And I absolutely LOVE it.


I have used DUDU soap too, but I like the other much better. And it seems to work better for me
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i heard dudu osun was fake black soap and makes your skin sting. i use the black soap from nasabb.

Not true, Dudu osun is a Nigerian product, it is sold in Nigeria and exported all over the world. There is nothing fake about it, and it has never made my skin or that of anyone I know sting for the past 15 years. It stings if it gets into your eyes. Different black soaps for different folks. But I had to defend the product because I know its not fake. I personally prefer home made black soap that my grannie makes
i heard dudu osun was fake black soap and makes your skin sting. i use the black soap from nasabb.

well the word osun dudu literally means black soup in the yoruba language so anyone call their product that, it describes what the product is not what brand it is or the quality of ingredients used. For instance what you are using is osun dudu by nasabb if that makes sense. the brand name nasabb tell you what brand it is and what ingredients were put in it.
I've heard that the Dudu Osun is the real thing and the other stuff that is actually black is not. I know the black soap, which is not Dudu Osun, that I get at the African store and just packaged in a plastic bag is most definitely the real thing. My goddaughter, bless her heart, bought me some black-colored soap called black soap that I had to toss, but both the African black soap and the Dudu Osun [both of which are brown, but the DO soap also has contains honey, shea butter, osun (camwood), palm kernel oil, cocoa pod ash, palm bunch ash, glycerine, aloe Vera, lime, lemon] are wonderfully gentle and moisturizing. My skin and hair love it and so do my dogs skin and fur as I bath them with it, too.
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Here is the African Black Soap I use. And I absolutely LOVE it.


I have used DUDU soap too, but I like the other much better. And it seems to work better for me

See, this is what I was expecting it to look like. Thanks to Empressri I'm going to go research the DUDU brand before I use it. It sure looks like the real thing though...I mean they didnt try to pretty it up or anything:nono:
i use the black soap from nasabb.

Ditto. So do I. I don't know whether the Dudu Oshn soap is fake or not, but Nasabb black soap is excellent.

That other soap in the pic doesn't look too right. Maybe it's the lighting, but it looks rather dark. Soap that is actually black is not black soap, as it should be dark brown in colour.
Ditto. So do I. I don't know whether the Dudu Oshn soap is fake or not, but Nasabb black soap is excellent.

That other soap in the pic doesn't look too right. Maybe it's the lighting, but it looks rather dark. Soap that is actually black is not black soap, as it should be dark brown in colour.

I haven't had any problems w/ this soap. It has actually cleared up all the acne I would rarely have. This just seems to work for me.

I went to the nasabb website, and am not opposed to trying their soap. Is there a discount code I can use when I place an order?
Cute story. My mom bought some from a Nigerian vender downtown and gave me some. It came with a purple net thingy to keep the soap in (it is very soft). I used it on my face. I liked it because it didn't dry my face out. I need to get another piece from her.:yep:
i heard dudu osun was fake black soap and makes your skin sting. i use the black soap from nasabb.
I've heard the same.

I've used Nasabb's but it still made my skin sting bad. It actually burned my face a little. It was awful. I have really sensitive skin.
See, this is what I was expecting it to look like. Thanks to Empressri I'm going to go research the DUDU brand before I use it. It sure looks like the real thing though...I mean they didnt try to pretty it up or anything:nono:
The soap you posted looks like the real thing but the one in the box that was posted is an imitation I think.
I love this stuff I use it all the time at the hospital because it kills everything and cleared up my daughters acne

actually mine too when I was a teenager. Yeah the homemade stuff does not look all that great but it works
Where'd you hear this? I was just talking to my coworker this morning about getting some black soap.

girl a BUNCH of old threads!! i would pull up old stuff and when i was looking black soap i kept seeing bad things about the dudu osun one. i even saw it in the store and it looked suspect.

poka, yeah black soap can sting if you have sensitive skin. heck even if you don't, it can. i don't use it everyday cause my skin will sting a bit after awhile. it's great to use at night though, just use a great moisturizer. i use my own homemade infused oil (that cleared up my bff's acne scars might i toot my own horn!)